Sunday, July 29, 2007




6 Ich habe deinen Namen offenbart den Menschen, die du mir von der Welt gegeben hast. Sie waren dein, und du hast sie mir gegeben, und sie haben dein Wort behalten.
9 Ich bitte für sie und bitte nicht für die Welt, sondern für die, die du mir gegeben hast; denn sie sind dein.
.................................................................................................................................................11 Und ich bin nicht mehr in der Welt; sie aber sind in der Welt, und ich komme zu dir. Heiliger Vater, erhalte sie in deinem Namen, die du mir gegeben hast, daß sie eins seien gleichwie wir.
20 Ich bitte aber nicht allein für sie, sondern auch für die, so durch ihr Wort an mich glauben werden,
21 auf daß sie alle eins seien, gleichwie du, Vater, in mir und ich in dir; daß auch sie in uns eins seien, auf daß die Welt glaube, du habest mich gesandt.
22 Und ich habe ihnen gegeben die Herrlichkeit, die du mir gegeben hast, daß sie eins seien, gleichwie wir eins sind,
23 ich in ihnen und du in mir, auf daß sie vollkommen seien in eins und die Welt erkenne, daß du mich gesandt hast und liebest sie, gleichwie du mich liebst.
24 Vater, ich will, daß, wo ich bin, auch die bei mir seien, die du mir gegeben hast, daß sie meine Herrlichkeit sehen, die du mir gegeben hast; denn du hast mich geliebt, ehe denn die Welt gegründet ward.
25 Gerechter Vater, die Welt kennt dich nicht; ich aber kenne dich, und diese erkennen, daß du mich gesandt hast.
26 Und ich habe ihnen deinen Namen kundgetan und will ihn kundtun, auf daß die Liebe, damit du mich liebst, sei in ihnen und ich in ihnen.

German Luther


Roemers 3:22-24

22 Ich sage aber von solcher Gerechtigkeit vor Gott, die da kommt durch den Glauben an Jesum Christum zu allen und auf alle, die da glauben.
23 Denn es ist hier kein Unterschied: sie sind allzumal Sünder und mangeln des Ruhmes, den sie bei Gott haben sollten,
24 und werden ohne Verdienst gerecht aus seiner Gnade durch die Erlösung, so durch Jesum Christum geschehen ist,
Roemers 7:23
23 Ich sehe aber ein ander Gesetz in meinen Gliedern, das da widerstreitet dem Gesetz in meinem Gemüte und nimmt mich gefangen in der Sünde Gesetz, welches ist in meinen Gliedern.
Apostelgeschichte 2:37-42
37 Da sie aber das hörten, ging's ihnen durchs Herz, und fragten Petrus und die andern Apostel: Ihr Männer, was sollen wir tun?
38 Petrus sprach zu ihnen: Tut Buße und lasse sich ein jeglicher taufen auf den Namen Jesu Christi zur Vergebung der Sünden, so werdet ihr empfangen die Gabe des Heiligen Geistes.
39 Denn euer und eurer Kinder ist diese Verheißung und aller, die ferne sind, welche Gott, unser HERR, herzurufen wird.
40 Auch mit vielen anderen Worten bezeugte und ermahnte er: Lasset euch erretten aus diesem verkehrten Geschlecht!
41 Die nun sein Wort gern annahmen, ließen sich taufen; und wurden hinzugetan an dem Tage bei dreitausend Seelen.
42 Sie blieben aber beständig in der Apostel Lehre und in der Gemeinschaft und im Brotbrechen und im Gebet.
Apostelgeschichte 2:47
47 nahmen die Speise und lobten Gott mit Freuden und einfältigem Herzen und hatten Gnade beim ganzen Volk. Der HERR aber tat hinzu täglich, die da selig wurden, zu der Gemeinde.
Roemers 8:1
1 So ist nun nichts Verdammliches an denen, die in Christo Jesu sind, die nicht nach dem Fleisch wandeln, sondern nach dem Geist.




25 Jesus spricht zu ihr: Ich bin die Auferstehung und das Leben. Wer an mich glaubt, der wird leben, ob er gleich stürbe;
26 und wer da lebet und glaubet an mich, der wird nimmermehr sterben. Glaubst du das?
27 Sie spricht zu ihm: HERR, ja, ich glaube, daß du bist Christus, der Sohn Gottes, der in die Welt gekommen ist.
33 Liebe Kindlein, ich bin noch eine kleine Weile bei euch. Ihr werdet mich suchen; und wie ich zu den Juden sagte: "Wo ich hin gehe, da könnet ihr nicht hin kommen", sage ich jetzt auch euch.
34 Ein neu Gebot gebe ich euch, daß ihr euch untereinander liebet, wie ich euch geliebt habe, auf daß auch ihr einander liebhabet.
35 Dabei wird jedermann erkennen, daß ihr meine Jünger seid, so ihr Liebe untereinander habt.
36 Spricht Simon Petrus zu ihm: HERR, wo gehst du hin? Jesus antwortete ihm: Wo ich hin gehe, kannst du mir diesmal nicht folgen; aber du wirst mir nachmals folgen.
4 Ich habe dich verklärt auf Erden und vollendet das Werk, das du mir gegeben hast, daß ich es tun sollte.
5 Und nun verkläre mich du, Vater, bei dir selbst mit der Klarheit, die ich bei dir hatte, ehe die Welt war.
6 Ich habe deinen Namen offenbart den Menschen, die du mir von der Welt gegeben hast. Sie waren dein, und du hast sie mir gegeben, und sie haben dein Wort behalten.
16 Da überantwortete er ihn, daß er gekreuzigt würde. Sie nahmen aber Jesum und führten ihn ab.
17 Und er trug sein Kreuz und ging hinaus zur Stätte, die da heißt Schädelstätte, welche heißt auf hebräisch Golgatha.
18 Allda kreuzigten sie ihn und mit ihm zwei andere zu beiden Seiten, Jesum aber mitteninne
19 Pilatus aber schrieb eine Überschrift und setzte sie auf das Kreuz; und war geschrieben: Jesus von Nazareth, der Juden König.
1 Am ersten Tag der Woche kommt Maria Magdalena früh, da es noch finster war, zum Grabe und sieht, daß der Stein vom Grabe hinweg war.
2 Da läuft sie und kommt zu Simon Petrus und zu dem andern Jünger, welchen Jesus liebhatte, und spricht zu ihnen: Sie haben den HERRN weggenommen aus dem Grabe, und wir wissen nicht, wo sie ihn hin gelegt haben




Actos 8:26-40

26. E o anjo do Senhor falou a Filipe, dizendo: Levanta-te, e vai para a banda do sul, ao caminho que desce de Jerusalém para Gaza, que está deserta.

27. E levantou-se, e foi; e eis que um homem etíope, eunuco, mordomomor de Candace, rainha dos etíopes, o qual era superintendente de todos os seus tesouros, e tinha ido a Jerusalém para adoração,

28. Regressava, e, assentado no seu carro, lia o profeta Isaís.

29. E disse o Espírito a Filipe: Chega-te, e ajunta-te a esse carro.

30. E, correndo Filipe, ouviu que lia o profeta Isaís, e disse: Entendes tu o que lês?

31. E ele disse: Como poderei entender, se alguém me não ensinar? E rogou a Filipe que subisse e com ele se assentasse.

32. E o lugar da Escritura que lia era este: Foi levado como a ovelha para o matadouro, e, como está mudo o cordeiro diante do que o tosquia, assim não abriu a sua boca.

33. Na sua humilhação, foi tirado o seu julgamento; e quem contará a sua geração? Porque a sua vida é tirada da terra.

34. E, respondendo o eunuco a Filipe, disse: Robo-te, de quem diz isto o profeta? De si mesmo, ou de algum outro?

35. Então Filipe, abrindo a sua boca, e começndo nesta escritura, lhe anunciou a Jesus.

36. E, indo eles caminhando, chegaram ao pé de alguma água, e disse o eunuco: Eis aqui água; que impede que eu seja baptizado?

37. E disse Filipe: É lícito, se crês de todo o coração. E, respondendo ele, disse: Creio que Jesus Cristo é o Filho de Deus.

38. E mandou parar o carro, e desceram ambos à água, tanto Filipe como o eunuco, e o baptizou.

39. E, quando saíram da água, o Espírito do Senhor arrebatou a Filipe, e não o viu mais o eunuco; e, jubiloso, continuou o seu caminho,

40. E Filipe se achou em Azoto e, indo passando, anunciava o Evangelho em todas as cidades, até que chegou a Cesareia.


Danish Bible Study


6 Jeg har åbenbaret dit Navn for de Mennesker, som du har givet mig ud af Verden; de vare dine, og du gav mig dem. og de have holdt dit Ord.


9 Jeg beder for dem; jeg beder ikke for Verden, men for dem, som du har givet mig; thi de ere dine.


11 Og jeg er ikke mere i Verden, men disse ere i Verden, og jeg kommer til dig. Hellige Fader! bevar dem i dit Navn, hvilket du har givet mig, for at de må være et ligesom vi.


20 Men jeg beder ikke alene for disse, men også for dem, som ved deres Ord tro på mig,

21 at de må alle være eet; ligesom du, Fader! i mig, og jeg i dig, at også de skulle være eet i os, for at Verden må tro, at du har udsendt mig.

23. Og den Herlighed, som du har givet mig, har jeg givet dem, for at de skulle være eet, ligesom vi ere eet,

23 jeg i dem og du i mig, for at de må være fuldkommede til eet, for at Verden må erkende, at du har udsendt mig og har elsket dem, ligesom du har elsket mig.

24 Fader! jeg vil, at, hvor jeg er, skulle også de, som du har givet mig, være hos mig, for at de må skue min Herlighed, som du har givet mig; thi du har elsket mig før Verdens Grundlæggelse.

25 Retfærdige Fader! og Verden har ikke kendt dig, men jeg har kendt dig, og disse have kendt, at du har udsendt mig.

26 Og jeg har kundgjort dem dit Navn og vil kundgøre dem det, for at den Kærlighed, hvormed du har elsket mig, skal være i dem, og jeg i dem."





25 Jesus sagde til hende: "Jeg er Opstandelsen og Livet; den, som tror på mig, skal leve, om han end dør.

26 Og hver den, som lever og tror på mig, skal i al Evighed ikke dø. Tror du dette?"

27 Hun siger til ham: "Ja, Herre! jeg tror, at du er Kristus, Guds Søn, den, som kommer til Verden."



33 Børnlille! endnu en liden Stund er jeg hos eder. I skulle lede efter mig, og ligesom jeg sagde til Jøderne: "Hvor jeg går hen, kunne I ikke komme," siger jeg nu også til eder.

34 Jeg giver eder en ny Befaling, at I skulle elske hverandre, at ligesom jeg elskede eder, skulle også I elske hverandre.

35 Derpå skulle alle kende, at I ere mine Disciple, om I have indbyrdes Kærlighed."

36 Simon Peter siger til ham: "Herre! hvor går du hen?" Jesus svarede ham: "Hvor jeg går hen, kan du ikke nu følge mig, men siden skal du følge mig."


4 Jeg har herliggjort dig på Jorden ved at fuldbyrde den Gerning, som du har givet mig at gøre.

5 Og Fader! herliggør du mig nu hos dig selv med den Herlighed, som jeg havde hos dig, før Verden var.

6 Jeg har åbenbaret dit Navn for de Mennesker, som du har givet mig ud af Verden; de vare dine, og du gav mig dem. og de have holdt dit Ord.


16 Så overgav han ham da til dem til at korsfæstes. De toge nu Jesus;

17 og han bar selv sit Kors og gik ud til det såkaldte "Hovedskalsted", som hedder på Hebraisk Golgatha,

18 hvor de korsfæstede ham og to andre med ham, en på hver Side, men Jesus midt imellem.

19 Men Pilatus havde også skrevet en Overskrift og sat den på Korset. Men der var skrevet:"Jesus af Nazareth, Jødernes Konge."


1 Men på den første Dag; i Ugen kommer Maria Magdalene årle, medens det endnu er mørkt, til Graven og ser Stenen borttagen fra Graven,

2 Da løber hun og kommer til Simon Peter og til den anden Discipel, ham, hvem Jesus elskede, og siger til dem: "De have borttaget Herren af Graven, og vi vide ikke, hvor de have lagt ham."

3 Da gik Peter og den anden Discipel ud, og de kom til Graven.

4 Men de to løb sammen, og den anden Discipel løb foran, hurtigere end Peter, og kom først til Graven.

5 Og da han kiggede ind, ser han Linklæderne ligge der, men gik dog ikke ind.

6 Da kmmer Simon Peter, som fulgte ham, og han gik ind i Graven og så Linklæderne ligge der

7 og Tørklædet, som han havde haft på sit Hoved, ikke liggende ved Linklæderne, men sammenrullet på et Sted for sig selv.

8 Nu gik da også den anden Discipel, som var kommen først til Graven, ind, og han så og troede.

9 Thi de forstode endnu ikke Skriften, at han skulde opstå fra de døde.


26 Og otte Dage efter vare hans Disciple atter inde, og Thomas med dem. Jesus kommer, da Dørene vare lukkede, og han stod midt iblandt dem og sagde: "Fred være med eder!"

27 Derefter siger han til Thomas: "Ræk din Finger hid, og se mine Hænder, og ræk din Hånd hid, og stik den i min Side, og vær ikke vantro, men troende!"

28 Thomas svarede og sagde til ham: "Min Herre og min Gud!"

29 Jesus siger til ham: "Fordi du har set mig, har du troet; salige ere de, som ikke have set og dog troet."

30 Desuden gjorde Jesus mange andre Tegn for sine Disciples Åsyn, som ikke ere skrevne i denne Bog.

31 Men dette er skrevet, for at I skulle tro, at Jesus er Kristus, Guds Søn, og for at I, når I tro, skulle have Livet i hans Navn.




19 Går derfor hen og gører alle Folkeslagene til mine Disciple, idet I døbe dem til Faderens og Sønnens og den Helligånds Navn,

20 og idet I lære dem at holde alt det, som jeg har befalet eder. Og se, jeg er med eder alle Dage indtil Verdens Ende.

Friday, July 27, 2007


Origin Unknown

Koran - "But he devil made them both fall from it, and caused them to depart from that (state) in which they were; and we said: Get forth, some of you being the enemy of others and there is for you in the earth an abode and a provision for a time . . . .

We said: Go forth from this (state) all; so surely there will come to you a guidance from Me, then whoever follows My guidance, no fear shall come upon them, nor shall they grieve."

Sura 2 (Albaqarah), Nos 35-38

Bible - "And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, l am with you alway, even unto the end of the world."

Matthew 28:18-20

What is this "guidance" that must be followed?

Koran - "the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary," is "worthy of reguard in this world and the hereafter. "

Sura 3 (Ali Imran), No. 39

Bible - "While he yet spake, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them: and behold a voice out of the cloud, which said, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him."

Matthew 17:5

Koran - Jesus "healed the blind and the leporous, and brought the dead to life," even unto the end of the world."

Sura 3 (Ali Imran), No. 48.

Bible - (Blind) "And when he was come into the house, the blind men came to him: and Jesus saith unto them, Believe ye that I am able to do this? They said unto him, Yea, Lord. Then touched he their eyes, saying, According to your faith be it unto you. And their eyes were opened; and Jesus straightly charged them, saying, See that no man know it."

Matthew 9:28-30

(Leporous) "And, behold, there came a leper and worshipped him, saying, Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean. And Jesus put forth his hand, and touched him, saying, 1 will; be thou clean. And immediately his leprosy was cleansed."

Matthew 8:2,3

(Dead) "And he came and touched the bier: and they that bare him stood still. And he said, Young man, I say unto thee, Arise. And he that was dead sat up, and began to speak. And he delivered him to his mother."

Luke 7:14,15

Koran - "And peace on Me on the day I was born, and on the day I die, and on the day I am raised to life. Such is Jesus son of Mary; (this is) the saying of truth about which they dispute."

Sura 19 (Maryam), Nos. 33,34

Bible - "And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus which was crucified. He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay."

Matthew 28:5,6

"And he saith unto them, Be not affrighted: Ye seek Jesus of Nazareth, which was crucified: he is risen; he is not here: behold the place where they laid him."

Mark 16:6

Koran - "When Allah said: O Jesus! I will cause you to die and exhalt you in My presence and clear you of those who disbelieve to the day of resurrection."

Sura 3 (Ali Imran), No. 34

Bible - "Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death? Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection: "

Romans 6:3-5

"For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God."

Romans 14:11

Koran - "Allah exhalted Him (Jesus the Messiah) in His presence; and Allah is Mighty, Wise"

Sura 4 (Annisa) Nos. 156-158

Bible - "But he, being full of the Holy Ghost, looked up steadfastly into heaven, and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God,"

Acts 7:55

Koran - "And Muhammed said: In the name of Allah, in Whose hands is my life, truly Jesus, son of Maryam, will soon come down to you to be a righteous judge."

2002 Mutiara Hadis I, p. 277

Bible - "this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven."

Acts 1:11

"we shall all stand before the judgement seat of Christ."

Romans l4:l0b

"For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgement unto the Son:"

John 5:22

Only through this Christ is there salvation.

"Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved."

Acts 4:12

He established His church.

"And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be head over alI things to the church."

Ephesians 1:22

"I will build my church."

Matthew 16:18

He has sent us forth to preach his salvation.

"Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved."

Mark 16:15,16

"Add on your parr all dilligence, and in your faith supply virtue; and in your virtue knowledge; and in your knowledge self_control; and in your self_control patience; and in your patience godliness; and in your godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity (love) . . . . . . . .

For thus shall be richly supplied unto you the entrance into the eternal kingdom."

2 Peter 1: 5-11



What does it mean to a non-believer? Easter to the non-believer is largely about Easter eggs, bunnies, the Easter parade, or perhaps shopping for a whole new wardrobe.

Solomon really said it all: "Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity. What profit hath a man of all his labor which he hath under the sun?" Ecclesiastes 1:2-3.

Judas, the betrayer learned this to his sorrow: "And he said unto them, What will ye give me, and I will deliver him unto you? And they counted him out thirty pieces of silver." Matthew 26:15.

Greed for wealth and power led to his death. "And he cast down the pieces of silver in the temple, and departed, and went and hanged himself." Matthew 26:5.

For Christ it would mean, in His own words: "The Son of man must suffer many things, and be rejected of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be slain, and be raised the third day." Luke 9:22.

"And when they were come to the place which is called Calvary, there they crucified him, and the malfactors, one on the right hand, and the other on the left." Luke 23:33.

"In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre. And behold there was a great earthquake: for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it. ... And the angel said unto the women, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus which was crucified. He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come see the place where the Lord lay." Matthew 28:1-6.

To Christ was life and all power given: "All power is given unto me in heaven and on earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:" Matthew 28:18-19.

To the believer it can mean eternal life through submission to that divine power: "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved: but he that believeth not shall be damned." Mark 16:16.



"All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God:" - Romans 3:23.

"And the Lord smelled a sweet savor; and the Lord said in his heart, I will not again curse the ground any more for man's sake; for the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth:" - Genesis 8:21.


"Flee also youthful lusts; but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart." - 2 Timothy 2:22.

"Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these, adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envyings, murders, drunkenness, revelings, and such like: of the which i tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God." - Galatians 5:1, 9-20.


"Remember not the sins of my youth, nor my transgressions." - Psalm 25:7.

"For the time past of our life ... when we walked in lasciviousness, lusts, excess of wine, revelings, banquetings, and abominable idolatries: wherein they think it strange that ye run not with them to the same excess of riot, speaking evil of you: who shall account to him that is ready to judge" - 1 Peter 4:3,4.


"Honour thy father and thy mother. And he said, And he said, All these have I kept from my youth up." - Luke 18:20b,21.

!And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man." - Luke 2:52.


Phyllis Mills

Yes. It’s true, God does love you. While you were still unlovely, God sent His Son to save you. "While we were still sinners Christ died for us." - Romans 5:8.

You do not have to become a good person for God to love you. No! He loves you just the way you are and wants you to have a place in Heaven with Him. "The Lord is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish." - II Peter 3:9.

Yet God could not allow sinners to live with Him in Heaven. "God is light; in Him there is no darkness at all." - I John 1:5. And "The wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God." - I Corinthians 6:9. God had to make a plan.

God decreed that "Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness." - Hebrews 9:22. Therefore, Jesus, God’s dear Son, would shed His blood and die so that your sins could be washed away. "He washed us from our sins by His blood." - Revelation 1:5b.

God has done His part. Now you must do your part. Peter preached to the first believers: "Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ so that your sins may be forgiven and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit." - Acts 2:38.

After baptism you become a new person. The old is gone. "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The Old has gone, the new has come." - I Corinthians 5:17. This new person will want to live a life pleasing to God.

"Live your life worthy of the Lord and please Him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God - and joyfully giving thanks." - Colossians 1:10-12.


Arranged in the very words of Inspired men.

- by J.D. Phillips

1. BELIEVE on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved (Acts 16:30,31). Without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him (Hebrews 11:6). He that believeth not shall be damned (Mark 16:16). If ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins (John 8:24). Faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone (James 2:17).

2. REPENT Every one of you (Acts 2:38). Except ye repent ye shall perish (Luke 13:3,5). God.. Now commandeth all men everywhere to repent (Acts 17:30). Then hath God granted repentance unto life (Acts 11:18).

3. CONFESSION is made unto salvation (Romans 10:10). If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved (Romans 10:9). Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess before my father which is in heaven (Matthew 10:32). Thou art the Christ (Matthew 16:16). "I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God" (Acts 8:37).

4. BAPTISM doth also now save us (1 Peter 3:21). He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved (Mark 16:16). Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God (John 3:5). He saved us, by the washing of regeneration and the renewing of the Holy Spirit (Titus 3:5). Be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of sins (Acts 2:38). Be baptized, and wash away your sins (Acts 22:16). Baptized into Christ (Galatians 3:27). Baptized into his death (Romans 6:3). If any man be in Christ he is a new creature (2 Corinthians 5:17).

WE SHOULD LIVE soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world; looking for the blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God our Saviour Jesus Christ who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto him a peculiar people, zealous of good works (Titus 2:12-14).

YOU ... KEEP the ORDINANCES as I have delivered them unto you (1 Corinthians 11:2).

THE GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen (Revelation 22:21).

Blessed are they who do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city (Revelation 22:14).

Don’t be left behind when the Lord Comes!

Scriptures quoted from the KJV.


Zulu - South Africa


1. KHOLWA yiNkosi uJesu, yikhona uzakusindiswa wena nendly yakho (Izenzo 16:30,31). Kepha_ke ngaphandle kokukholwa akwenzeki ukumthokozisa; ngokuba ozayo kuNkulunkulu umelwe ukukholwa ukuthi ukhona nokuthii ungumvuzi walabo abamfunayo (KumaHeberu 11:6). Kepha ongakholwayo uyakulahlwa (NgokukaMarku 16:16). Ngokuba uma ningakholwa ukuthi nginguye, nizakufela ezonweni zenu. (NgokukaJohane 8:24) Kanj alo_ke nokukholwa, uma kungenayo imisebenzi, kufile ngokwakho (EkaJakobe 2:17).

2. PHENDUKANI ... egameni (Izenzo 2:38). Kepha uma ningaphenduki, niyakubhubha kanjalo nonke (NgokukaLuka 13:3,5). UNkulunkulu, kodwa kalokhu usememezela kubantu ukuba bonke ezindaweni zonke baphenduke (Izenzo 17:30). Kanti uNkulunkulu unike nabezizwe ukuphendukela ekuphileni (Izenzo 1 1:18).

3. NGOMLOMO uyavuma kube_ngukusindiswa (KwabaseRoma 10:10). Ngokuba utna uvuma ngomlomo wakho ukuthi uJesu uyiNkosi, ukholwa enhliziyweni yakho u.kuthi uNkulunkulu wamvusa kwabafileyo, uyakusindiswa (KwabaseRoma 10:9). Kepa lowo oyakungiphika phambi kwabantu, nami ngiyakumphika. phambi kukaBaba osezulwini (NgokukaMathewu 10:32). Wena unguKristu (NgokukaMathewu 16:16). Ngiyakholwa ukuthi uJesu Kristu uyiNdodana kaNkulunkulu (Izenzo 8:37).

4. Okungukutlu ngombhapathizo (I KaPetn,i 3:21 ). Okholwayo abhapathizwe uyakusindiswa (NgokukaMarku 16:16). Uma umuntu engazalwa ngamanzi nangoMoya, angene embusweni kaNkulunkulu (NgokukaJohane 3:5). Wasisindisa kungengamisebenzi uokulunga esayenzayo thina kepha ngokwesihawu sakhe ngesigezo sokuphindukuzalwa nokwenziwa sibe_basha ngoMoya oNgcwele (Ku'Thithu 3:5).Yilowo nalowo abhapathizwe egameni lika Jesu Kristu kukho ukuthethelelwa kwezono zenu (Izenzo 2:38). Ubhapathizwe, uhlambulule izono zakho ngokukhuleka rgameni lakhe (Izenzo 22:16). Ngokuba nonke enabhapathizelwa kuKristu nembatha uKristu (KwabaseGalathiya 3:27). Sabhapathizelwa kukho ukufa kwakhe na (KwabaseRoma 6:3). Uyisidal esisha; okwakuqala kudlulile (II KwabaseKorinte 5:17).

5. SIHAMBE NGOKUQONDA, nangokulunga, nangokumesaba uNkulunkulu kulrsisikhathi samanje, sibheke ithemba elibusisiweyo nokuvela kwenkazimulo kaNkulunkulu omkhulu noMsindisi wethu uJesu Kristu owazinikela ngenxa yethu, ukuze asihlenge ebubini bonke, asihlambulule isizwe esingesakhe, sishisekele imisebenzi emihle (KuThithu 2:12-14).

NIBAMBELELA EZIFLJNDISWENI, njengokuba naninika zona (I KwabaseKorinte 11:2).

UMUSA WENKOSI yethu uJesu Kristu mawube_nani nonke. Amen (Isambulo 22:21).

Babusisiwe abahlanza izingubo zabo ukuba bathole ilungelo labo emthini wokuphila, bangene emzini ngamasango (Isambulo 22:14).

J.D. Phillips


Yoruba (Nigeria)


J.D. Phillips.

1. Gbà Jesu Kristi Oluwa gbó, a o si gbà o là, lwo ati awon arà ile ré pelu. (Ise Awon Aposteli 16:31) Sugbon nisisiyi nwon nfe ilu kan ti o dara jù bê lo, eyini ni ti òrun: nitorina iju won kò ti Olorun, pe ki a mâ pe On ni Olorun won; nitoriti o ti pèse ili kan sile fun won. (Hereru 11:6) sugbon eniti ko ba gbagbó yio jebi. (Marku 16:16) nitori bikose e ba gbagbó pe, emi ni, e ó kú ninu èse nyin. (Johannu 8:24) Bê si ni igbagbó, bi kò ba ni ise, o kú ninu ara. (Jakqbu 2:17).

2. E ronupiwada, (Ise Awon Aposteli 2:38) bikosepe enyin ronupiwada, gbogbo nyin ni yio segbé bê gege. (Luku 13:3,5) Pulepelu igba aimô yi li Olorun ti gboju fò da; sugbon nisisiyi o pase fun gbogbo enia nibi gbogbo lati ronupiwada: (Ise Awon Aposteli 17:30) Nje Olorun fi ironupiwada si iye fun awon Keferi pelu. (Ise Awon Aposteli 11:18).

3. Enu li a si fi ljewo si igbala. (Romu:10:10) pe, bi iwo ba fi enu re jewo Jesuli Oluwa, ti iwo si gbagbó li okàn re pe, Olorun ji i dide kuro ninu okú, a o ghà o là. (Romu 10:9) Nitoeina enikeni ti o ba jewo mi niwaju enia, on li emi o jewo pelu niwaju Baba mi ti mbe li orun. (Matteu 10:32) wipe, Kristi, Omo Olorun alâye ni iwo ise. (Mateu 16:16) Mo gbagbó pe Jesu Kristi, OmoOlorun ni. (Ise Awon Aposteli 8:37).

4. Apere eyiti ngbà nyin là nisisipi pelu, ani baptismu, ki ise iwe êri ti ara nu, (1 Peteru 3:21) Eniti o ba gbagbó, ti a ba si baptisi rè yio là; (Marku 16:16) Lôto, lôto ni mo wi fun o, Bikosepe a fi prni ati Emi bi enia, on kò le wò ijoba Olorun. (Johannu 3:5) nipa iwenu atúnbi ati isodi titun Emi Mimó, (Titu 3:5) E ronupiwada, ki a si baptisi olukuluku nyin li oruko Jesu Kristi fun idariji èse nyin, enyin o si gbà ebun Emi Mimó. (Ise Awon Aposteli 2:38) Nje nisisiyi kini iwo de? Dide, ki a si baotisi re, ki o si wè èse re nu, ki o si mâ pè oruko Oluwa. (Ise Awon Aposteli 22:16) Nitoripe iye enyin ti ati baptisi sinu Kristi, ti gbe Kristi wò. (Galatia 3:27) Tabi e kò mò pe, gbogbo wa ti a ti baptisi sinu Kristi Jesu, a ti baptisi wa sinu ikú rè? (Romu 6:3) Nitorina bi enikeni ba wà ninu Kristi, o di eda titun: ohun atijo ti koja lo; kiyesi i, nwon si di titun. (2 Korinti 5:17).

5. O nkó wa pe, ki a sé aiwa-bi-li airekoja, li ododo, ati ni lwa-bi-Olorun ni aiye isisiyi; Ki a mâ wo ona fun ireti ti o ni ibukún ati ifarahan ogo Olorun wa ti o tobi, ati ti Olugbala wa Jesu Kristi; Eniti o fi ara rè fun wa, ki on ki o le rà wa pada kuro ninu èse gbogbo, ki o si le we awon enia kan mó fun ara rè fun ini on tikalare awon onitara ise rere. (Titu 2:12-14).

Ti enyin ti di èkó wonni mu sinsin, ani gege bi mo ti fi won le nyin lowp. (1 Korinti 11:2).

Ore-ofe Jesus Oluwa ki o wà pela gbogbo awon enia mimó. Amin. (Ifihàn 22:21.)

Ibukún ni fun awon ti nfò aso won, ki nwon ki o le ni anfani lati wá si ibi igi iye na, ati ki nwon ki o le gba awon enubode wo ubu uku na. (Ifihàn 22:14).




1. KHOLWA kuyo iNkosi uYesu Kristu, wosindiswa wena nendlu yakho (Izenzo 16:30,31). Ke, lungekho ukholo, akunakubakho ukumkholisa kakuhle; kuba lowo uzayo kuThixo, umelwe kukukholwa ukuba ukho, nokuba ungumvuzi wabo bamfunayo (KumaHebhere 11:6). Ke yena ongakholwanga, wogwetywa (UMarko 16:16). Kuba ekubeni nithe anakholwa ukuba ndinguye, niya kufela ezonweni zenu. (UYohane 8:24. Ngokunjalo nalo ukholo, ukuba luthi lungabi namisebenzi, lutile ngokukokwalo (EkaYakobi 2:17).

2. GUQUKANI ... ngabanye egameni (Izenzo 2:38). Ningaguquki, nitshabalale kwangokunjalo nonke (ULuka 13:3,5). uThixo ... kungoku uyala abantu bonke ezindaweni zonke ukuba baguquke (Izenzo 17:30). Kanti na ke neentlanga ezi uThixo uziphe ukuguqukela ebomini (Izenzo 11:18).

3. NGOMLOMO, ukuze asindiswe (KwabaseRoma 10:10). Ngokuba, xa uthe wamvuma ngomlomo wakho ukuba uyiNkosi uYesu, wakholwa ngentliziyo yakho ukuba uThixo wamvusa kwabafileyo, wosindoswa (KwabaseRoma 11:9). Wonke umntu ngoko oya kundivuma phambi kwabantu, ndiya kumvuma nam phambi koBawo osemazulwini (UMateyu 10:32). Weba unguye uKristu (UMateyu 16:16). Ndiyakholwa ukuba uYesu Kristu unguNyana kaThixo. (Izenzo 8:37).

4. UBHAPTIZO ngokomfuziselo (KaPetros I 3:21). Lowo ukholiweyo wabhaptizwa, wosindiswa (UMarko 16:16). Ukuba umntu akathanga azalwe ngamanzi nanguMoya, akanakungena ebukumkanini bukaThixo (UYohane 3:5). Kungengamisebenzi esebulungiseni esayenzayo thina, kungokwenceba yathe wasisindisa ngentlambululo yokuzalwa ngokutsha, nangokuhlaziya koMoya oyiNgcwele (KuTito 3:5). Guqukani nibhaptizwe nonke ngabanye egameni likaYesu Kristu, ukuze nixolelwe izono (Izenzo 2:38). Ubhaptizwe, uhlambulule izono zakho (Izenzo 22:16). Nabhaptizelwa yo kuKristu (KumaGalati 3:27). Sabhaptizelwa ekufeni kwakhe (KwabaseRoma 6:3). Ukuba ubani ukuKristu, usisidalwa esitsha (KwabaseKorinte II 5:17).

5. NIKUKHANUKA OKUKWEHLABATHI, sihlale ngokunesidima, nangokubulungisa, nangokuhlonela uThixo, kweli phakade langoku; silinde ithemba elinoyolo, nembonakalo yobuqaqawuli boThixo omkhulu, uMsindisi wethu uYesu Kristo, owazinikela ngenxa yethu, ukuze asikhulule ngokusihlawulela kuko konke ukuchasa umthetho, azihlambululele abantu abangabakhe, abazondelela imisebenzi emihle (KuTito 2:12_14).

Kuba nindikhumbula ngeendawo zonke, nizibambile izithethe, njengoko ndaninikelayo. (KwabaseKorinte I 11:2).

UBABALO LWENKOSI YETHU U YESU KRISTU malube nani nonke. Amen (Isityhilelo 22:21). Banoyolo abo bayenzayo imithetho yakhe, ukuze igunya labo libe semthini wobomi, bangene ngamasango kuyo umzi. (Isityhilelo 22:14).

J.D. Phillips




1. TENDANI kha Murena Yesu Kristo ni do tshidzwa (Mishumo ya Vhaapostola 16:30,31). Nga nnda ha lutendo a zwi konei uri ri Mu humbele: Huno vha sendelaho Mudzimu tshavho hu vhe u tenda zw auri u hone, na u tenda zwauri vha m6 todaho u do vha nea malamba. (VhaHeberu 11:6). A songo tendaho u do latwa (Marko 16:16). Ni do fela zwivhini zwanu; ngauri na sa tenda zwauri ndi nne, ni do fela zwivhini zwanu. (Yohane 8:24). Zwo ralo na kha lutendo, arali lu si na mishumo lwo dzula lwo fa nga lwothe (Yakobo 2:17).

2. SHANDUKANI nothe (Mishumo ya Vhaapostola 2:38). Na sa shanduka, ni do lovha nothe ngauralo (Luka 13:3,5). Mudzimu ... hone zwino u laya vhathu

vhothe thungo dzothe, uri vha rembuluwe (Mishumo ya Vhaapostola 17:30) Atsina na vha nnda Mudzimu o vha tendela u shanduka uri vha tshile (Mishumo ya Vhaapostola 11:18).

3. U TANZIELA nga mulomo wa kona u do tshidzwa (VhaRoma 10:10). Arali u tshi tanziela Murena Yesu nga mulomo wau, wa tenda mbiluni yau zwauri Mudzimu o mu vusa Vhafuni, U do tshidzwa (VhaRoma 10:9). A nnyambaho phanda ha Vhathu, na nne_vho ndi do mu amba phanda ha khotsi anga (Mateo 10:32). "Ndi a tenda uri Yesu ndi Murwa wa Mudzimu." (Mishumo ya Vhaapostola 8:37).

4. NDOVHEDZO zwino i khou ni tshidza (Petro 3:21). A tendaho a lovhedzwa u do tshidzwa (Marko 16:16). Muthu a sa bebiwa a tshi bva madini na Muyani, ha koni u dzhena muvhusoni wa tadulu (Yohane 3:5). O ri tshidza nga u ri tambisa madi a u bebwa hafhu, na u ri ita vhaswa nga Muya_Mukhethwa. (Tito 3:5). Shandukani nothe ni lovhedzwe dzinani la Yesu Kristo, hu vhe u hangwelwa zwivhi (Mishumo ya Vhaapostola 2:38). Takuwa U lovhedzwe, U tanzwiwe zwivhi zwau (Mishumo ya Vhaapostola 22:16). Lovhedzwani kha Kristo (VhaGalata 3:27). Lovhedzwani lufuni lwawe (VhaRoma 6:13). Hone o nambatelaho Murena ndi muya muthi nae (2 VhaKorinta 6:17).

5. RI TEA U TSHILA ro tnanya, ro luga, ri tshi o fha Mudzimu kha shango la zwino, nga ri dzule ro lindela mashudu e ra a fulufhela na u vhonala ha vhurena ha Mudzimu muhulu, Mutshidzi washu Kristo Yesu we a dinekedzela rine, uri a ri rengulule vhutshinyini hothe, uri a ditanzwele lushaka lune lwa vha lwawe vhukuma, lune lwa fungelela mishumo mivhuya (Tito 2:12_14).

DZINDAELA NO DZI FARA nga he nda ni laya ngaho: (1 VhaKorinta 1 1:2).

TSHILIDZI tsha Murena Yesu nga tshi vhe kha vhothe. Amen

(Nzumbululo 22:21). Mashudu vha tanzwaho nguvho dzavho uri vha do tendelwa u la muri wa vhu tshilo na u dzhena nga dzikhoro ngomu mudini (Nzumbululo 22:14).




1. DUMELA mo go Morena Jesu, mme o t1a pholosiwa (Ditiro 16:30,31). Mme ga go kgonege go o kgatlha kwa ntle ga tumelo; gonne yo o atamelang Modimo o tshwanetse go dumela gore o teng 1e gore ke ona moduedi wa ba ba o batlang (BaHebere 11:6). Yo o sa dumeleng ene o t1a atlholwa (Mareko 16:16). Gonne fa lo sa dumele gore ke nna ena, lo tla swela mo dibeng tsa lona (Johane 8:24). Tumelo le yona jalo, fa e le yosi, e se na ditiro, e sule (Jakobo 2:17).

2. TLHABOLOGANG, mme a mongwe le mongwe (Ditiro 2:38). Mme fa lo sa sokologe, le lonalo tla nyelela jalo lotlhe (Luka 13:3,5). Modimo ... mmc jamong o laela batho botlhe mo ntlheng tsotlhe go tlhabologa (Ditiro 17:30). Jaanong ke go re: baditshaba lebone Modimo o ba neile tlhabologo e e isang bophelong (Ditiro 11:18).

3. IPOLELA ka molomo go isa pholosong (BaRoma 10:10). Gonne fa o ipolela ka molomo o re, Jesu ke Morena, o dumela ka pelo gore Modimo o mo tsositse mo baswing, o tla pholosiwa (BaRoma 10:9). Jaanong mongwe lr mongwe yo 0 tla impolelang fa pele ga batho, le nna ke tla mo ipolela fa pele ga Rre yo o kwa magodimong (Matheo 10:32). O Keresete Morwa Modimo o o phelang (Matheo 16:16). Ke dumela gore Jesu Keresete ke Morwa Modimo (Ditiro 8:37).

4. KOLOBETSONG: Ke ona a le lona a lo pholosang kajeno kolobetsong (I Petro 3:21). Yo o dumelang, a ba a kolobediwa, o tla pholosiwa (Mareko 16:16). Fa motho a sa tsalwe ka metsi le Mowa, ga a ka kc a tsena mo pusong ya Modimo (Johane 3:5). Mme e le ka fa boutlwelongbotlhoko jwa ona ka tlhapo ya go tsalwa gape le ka ntshwafatso ya Mowa o o Boitshepo (Tito 3:5). Tihabologang, mme a mongwe le mongwe wa lona a kolobediwe ka leina la ga Jesu Keresete go bona boitshwarelo jwa dibe tsa lona (Ditiro 2:38). Nanoga o kolobediwe, o be o tlhapisiwe dibe tsa gago o ntse o bitsa leina la gagwe! (Ditiro 22:16). Gonne lona lotlhe ba lo kolobeditsweng mo go Keresete (BaGalata 3:27). Kolobeleditswe loso lwa gagwe? (BaRoma 6:3). Ka moo he, fa motho a 1e mo go Keresete, o a bo a le sebopiwa se seswa (II BaKorinthe 5:17).

MME RE PHELE KA TEKANO LE KA TSHIAMO le ka borapedi mo lefatsheng leno,re ntse re lebeletse lesego la tsholofelo,mle ponatshego ya kgalalelo ya Modimo o mogolo le ya ga Keresete Jesu Morepholosi yo o re ineeletseng losong gore a re golole mo tshiamololong yotlhe a, be a itshekise batho gore e nne ba gagwe ba ba tlhoafaletseng ditiro tse di molemo (Tito 2:12_14).

Ke a lo boka, ka lo nkgopola mo go tsotlhe, e bile lo tshe~editse ditayo ka fa ke di lo laetseng ka teng (I BaKorinte 11:2).

BOPELOTLHOMOGI jwa Morena Jesus Keresete a bo nne le lona lotlhe! Amen (Tshenolo 22:21).

Go sego ba ba tlhatswang diaparo tsa bone gore ba nne le tshiamelo mo setlhareng sa bophelo, ba tseng mo motseng ka dikgoro (Tshenolo 22:14).





Arranged in the very words of Inspired men

1. PFUMELA eka Hosi Yesu, kutani u ta ponisiwa, wena ni va ndyangu wa wena (Mintirho 16:30,31). Kutani ehandle ka ku pfumela a swi endleki ku tsakisa Xikwembu. Un'wana ni un'wana loyi a lavaka ku tshinelela Xikwembu u fanele ku pfumela leswaku xi kona, ni leswaku xi hadela lava va xi lavaka (VaHeveru 11:6). Kambe la nga pfumeriki, u ta avanyisiwa (Marka 16:16). Hikuva loko mi nga pfumeri leswaku Mina ndzi yena, mi ta fela eswidyohweni swa n'wina (Yohane 8:24). Hikokwalaho, ku pfumela ku ri koxe, loko ku nga tikombi hi mintirho, ku file (Yakobo 2:17).

2. HUNDZUKANI, kutani un'wana (Mintirho 2:38). Loko mi nga hundzuki, mi ta lovisa xisweswo hinkwenu (Luka 13:3,5). Xikwembu ... ematikwenihinkwawo xi lerisa vanhu leswaku va hundzuka hinkwavo (Mintirho 17:30). Loko swi ri tano, na vona vamatiko Xikwembu xi va nyikile ku hundzuka loku yisaka evutomini (Mintirho 11:18).

3. KUTANI sweswo swi n'wi endla a va 1a ponisiwaka (VaRoma 10:10). Loko u vula hi nomo wa wena leswaku Yesi i Hosi, ni loko u pfumela embilwini ya wena leswaku Xikwembu xi n'wi pfuxile exikarhi ka vafi, u ta ponisiwa (VaRoma 10:9). Un'wana ni un'wana la nga ta ndzi vula emahlweni ka vanhu, na mina ndzi ta n'wi vula emahlweni ka Tata wa mina la nge matilweni (Matewu 10:32) . U Mesiya, N' wana wa Xikwembu lexi hanyaka (Matewu 16:16). Ndza pfumela leswaku Yesu Kriste i n'wana wa Xikwembu (Mintirho 8:37).

4. NKHUVULO wu yelana ni mhaka leyi (I Petro 3:21). La nga ta pfumela, a vuya a khuvuriwa, `u ta ponisiwa, (Marka 16:16). Ndzi tiyisisile ndzi ri ka wena ,

loko munhu a nga tswariwi hi mati ni Moya, a nga ka a nga mgheni eMfun'weni wa Kikwembu (Yohane 3:5). hi titswalo ta xona, hi ku hlantswiwa loku endlaka leswaku Moya lowo Kwetsima wu hi nyika tswariwa ra vumbirhi, ni vutomi le byintshwa (Tito 3:5). Hundzukani, kutani un'wana ni un'wana wa n'wina a khuvuriwa hi vito ra Yesu Kriste, leswaku mi rivaleriwa swidyoho swa n'wina, kutani mi ta amukela nyiko, wu nga Moya lowo Kwetsima, (Mintirho 2:38). U khuvuriwa leswaku u basisiwa eswidyohweni swa wena, hi ku khongela vito ra Hosi (Mintirho 22:16). Khuvuriwa eka Kriste (VaGalatiya 3:27). Khuvuleriwe ku fa ka yena xana (VaRoma 6:3). Loko munhu a ri ka Kriste, ku tumbuluka leswintshwa (II VaKorinto 5:17).

5. Ti hi dyondzisa ku tshika ku hanya ehandle ka Xikwembu ni ku navela swa misava, kutani hi hanya emisaveni leyi hi ku tikhoma, ni ku lulama, ni vukhongeri, hi ri karhi hi langutela minkateko leyi hi tshembisiweke yona, siku ku nga ta humelela ku kwetsima ka Xikwembu Nkulukumba, ni Muponisi wa hina Yesu Kriste. Hi yena la tinyiketeke hikwalaho ka hina, leswaku a hi kutsula eku hombolokeni hinkwako, a hi endla vanhu lava tengeke, lava va nga va yena ntsena, ni lava va chivirikelaka ku endla leswinene (Tito 2:12_14).

TINTSWALO ta Hosi Yesu a ti ve ni hinkwavo! (Nhlavutelo 22:21).

Ku katekile lava hlantswaka tinguvu ta vona, leswaku va ta pfumeleriwa ku dya murhi wa vutomi, ni ku nghena emutini hi tinyangwa ta wona (Nhlavutelo 22:14).

J.D. Phillips




J.D. Phillips

1. KHOLWA KA Hosi Jesu, zonake u ta hanyiswa, wena ni ngango wa wena. (Mitiro 16:31) Kanilezi ahandle ka kukholwa a zi koteki ku mu tsakisa; hakuva loyi a tshinelako ka Nungungulu i yimelwe hi ku kholwa lezaki ku kona Nungubgulu, ni lezaku yena wa chachazela lava va mu lavako. (MaHeberu 11:6) Loyi a kholwako a bapatizwa i ta hanyiswa; (Marku 16:16) hakuva loku mu nga kholwi lezaku nzi mina yena, mu ta fela zionhweni za nwina. (Johani 8:24) Lezo ni kukholwa, loku ku nga hi na mitiro, ku file a wutsumbu ga kona. (Jakobe 2:17).

2. HUNZULUKANI, (Mitiro 2:38) Loku mu nga hunzuluki, nwina nwentlhe mu ta lobyisisa lezo. (Luka 13:3,5) Nungungulu i lo hunisela zikhati za kungativi; kanilezi makunu wa laya vanhu vontlhe, a matshanwini wontlhe, lezaku va hunzuluka. (Mitiro 17:30) Kasi Nungungulu i myikile ni ka vamatiko a kuhunzuluka loku ku yisako wutomini. (Mitio 11:18).

3. A hanyiswa hi KUVUMELA hi nomu. (Va le Roma 10:10) Hakuva loku u vumela hi nomu wa wena lezaku Jesu i Hosi, u kholwa mbilwini ya wena lezaku Nungungulu i mu vuxile hi ka vafileko, wena u ta hanyiswa. (Va le Roma 10:9) Kani hi mani loyi a ta nga nzi vumela mahlweni ka vanhu, minawu nzi ta mu vumela mahiweni ka Dadani wa mina loyi a nga le tilweni. (Mateu 10:32) Wena u Kristu, N’wana wa Nungungulu a hanyako. (Mateu 16:16) Nza kholwa lezaku Jesu Kristu i N’wana wa Nungunguli. (Mitiro 8:37).

4. A ku fanana ni mati lawa ma mu hanyisako makunu hi KUBAPATIZWA, (1 Pedro 3:21) Loyi a kholwako a bapatizwa i ta hanyiswa; (Marku 16:16) Loku munhu a nga belekiwi hi mati ni Moya, a nga e nga na ku enghena mufunweni wa Nungungulu. (Johani 3:5) Ni kuhlaziwa ka kupswalwa luswa, ni ku mahiwa luswa hi Moya waku Basa. (Titusi 3:5) Hunzulukani, mu bapatizwa nwentlhelelenvitweni ga Jesu Kristu, kutsetselelweni ka zionho za nwina; zonake mu ta amukela a xinyikiwo xa Moya wa ku Basa. (Mitiro 2:38) Suka u bapatizwa, u hlaziwa a zionho za wena (Mitiro 22:16) Hakuva nwina nwentlhe lava mu nga bapatizelwa Kristu, mu ambele Kristu. (Va le Galatia 3:27) Kutani a mu zi tivi nwina lezaku hina hontlhe hi nga bapatizelwa ka Kristu Jesu, hi lo bapatizelwa kufeni kakwe ke? (Va le Roma 6:3) Hikwalaho loku munhu a hi ka Kristu, ximahwa xiswa; (2 va le Korinte 5:17).

5. Ti hi gonzisa ku tsika lezi zi nga lulamangiko ni kunavela ka misava, hi hanya ka nguva leyi hi kutikhoma ni kululama hi chava Nungungulu; na hi cuwukela a kutsumba ka hina ku bongekako ku nga kuwoneka ka kungangamela ka Nungungulu wa hina wa hombe tlhelo Muhanyisi wa hina Kristu Jesu. Loyi a nga ti nyikela hi kota ya hina, kasi a fela ku hi tirula kubiheni kontlhe, a ti hasisela a vanhu lava va ta ngava vakwe, va pinyamileko mitirweni yo saseka, (Titusi 2:12-14).

Nza mu khesa hilezi ma nzi alakanya ka zilo zontlhe, mu gonga a mikhuwo leyi nzi nga mu nyika yona. (1 va le Korinte 11:2).

A tipswalo ta Hosi Jesu a tive ni vobasa vontlhe. (Kuvululelwa 22:21)

Va katekile lava va hlazako tinguwo tabye, lezaku va fela kuva ni ntamu wa kuga a sinya ya wutomi, va enghena mutini hi tinyangwa ta wona. (Kuvululelwa 22:14)


Tonga (Zimbabwe)

Incito 16:30

J.D. Phillips

1. Bakati, Syoma ku-Mwami Jesu, non futulwe yebo abeõanda yako. (Incito 16:31) Pele kuti kakwiina lusyomo, tacikonzeki kukonda Leza, nkaambo woonse muntu uuswena kulinguwe uleelede kuzumina kuti Leza mpali akuti nguupa cilumbo kulibaabo bamuyandaula. (Ba-Hebrayo 11:6) Oyo uutazumini uyoozulwa. (Marko 16:16) nkaambo mwatazumina kuti ndime yooyo, muyoofwa muzibi zyanu. (Johane 8:24) Mbubonya obo lusyomo lutajisi milimo, mbululi lulike, lulifwide buyo. (Jakobo 2:17).

2. Amusanduke, (Incito 2:38) Pe, ndamwaambila kuti mwatasanduka muyoofwidilila anywebo nyoonse. (Luka 13:3,5) Ziindi ezyo zayakutaziba Leza wakazileka buyo, kwalo sunu ulailila bantu kuti kumasena oonse boonse basanduke. (Incito 17:30) Abalo bamasi Leza wabapa kusanduka kuti bapone. (Incito 11:18).

3. Akumulomo kulazuminwa kuti kube lufutuko. (Ba-Roma 10:10) Lyakuti, Anooli wazumina kumulomo kuti Jesus ngu-Mawami, akusyoma mumoyo wako kuti Leza wakamubusya kubafu, noti kafutuke. (Ba-Roma 10:9) Nceõambila kuti umwi aumwi uundizumina kubusya bwabantu, ambebo nzoomuzumina kubusyu bwa-Taata uuli kujulu. (Matayo 10:32) wamwaambila wati Nduwe Kristo, Mwana a-Leza muumi. (Matayo 16:16) Wavuwa wati, Ndasyoma kuti Jesu Kristo Mwana a-Leza. (Incito 8:37).

4. Aya makani ncecikozyano calubapatizyo mboluvuna ndinywe sunu (1 Petro 3:21) Oyo uuti kasyome akubapatizigwa uyoofutuka, pele oyo uutazumini uyoozulwa. (Marko 16:16) Jesu wakavuwa kuti, Ncobeni ndakwaambila kasimpe, Muntu atazalwa amaanzi a-Muuya, takonzya kunjila mu-Bwami bwa-Leza. (Johane 3:3,5) pele nkaambo kalweetelelo lwakwe mwini, ncakatufutula, (Tito 3:5) Amusanduke, mubapatizigwe umwi umwi muzina lya-Jesu Kristo, mujatilwe zibi zyanu, (Incito 2:38) Nyamuka, ubapatizigwe, usanzigwe zibi zyako, (Incito 22:16) Ikuti nyoonse nimwaka bapatizigwa muli-Kristo (Ba-Galatiya 3:27) Aboobo kuti muntu waba multi-Kristo. Waba mulenge mupya. (1 Ba-Korinto 5:17).

5. Kuzootwiisya kuti tuleelede kukazya kasampusampu azisusi zibi zyaansi ano, tuleelede kukala cakulibatamika acakululama acakulemeka Leza muciindi ecino casunu, akulindila eco coolwe ncotulangila, nkokuti kupompa kwabulemu kwa-Leza wesu mupati, Mufutuli wesu Jesu Kristo, nguwenya wakalyaaba nkaambo kesu, kuti atununune kuzibi zyoonse akulisalazizya bantu kuba banakwakwe, balisanga kumana milimo mibotu. (Tito 2:12-14).

Ndamulumbaizya nkaambo kakuti lyoonse mulandiibaluka, alimwi mbuli mbundakamusiila tunsiyansiya, mulajatisya ntuto. (1 Ba-Korinto 11:2).

Luzyalo lwa-Mwami Jesu alube anywe nyoonse. (Ciyubunuzyo 22:21)

Bali acoolwe abo basanzya zikobela zyabo, kuti bazumizigwe kucisamu cabuumi akunjila mumilyango yamunzi. (Ciyubunuzyo 22:14)



J.D. Phillips

1. MWAMINI Bwana Yesu, nawe utaokoka pamoja na nyumba yako (Matendo 16:30,31). Lakini pasipo imani haiiwezekani kumpendeza; kwa maana mtu amwendeaye Mungu lazima aamini kwamba yeye yoko, na kwamba huwapa thawabu wale wamtafutao (Waebrania 11:6). Aaminiye na kubatizwa ataokoka (Marko 16:16). Sababu msiposadiki ya kuwa mimi ndiye, mtakufa katika dhambi zenu (Yohana 8:24). Hivyo na imani, isipokuwa ina matendo, imekufa nafsini mwake. Yakobo 2:17).

2. TUBUNI mkabatizwe kila mmoja jina lake Yesu Kristu (Matendo 2:38). Lakini msipotubu, ninyi nyote mtaangamia vivyo hivyo (Luka 13:3,5). Mungu ... sasa anawaagiza watu wote wa kila mahali watubu (Matendo 17:30). Mungu amewajalia hata mataifa nao toba liletalo uzima (Matendo 11:18).

3. Kwa kinywa hukiri hata kupata wokovu (Warumi 10:10). Kwa maana kwa moyo mtu huamini hata kupata haki, na kwa kinywa hukiri hata kupata wokovu (Warumi 10:9). Basi, kila mtu atakayenikiri mbele ya watu, nami nitamkiri mbele za Baba yangu aliye mbinguni. (Mathayo 10:32). Wewe ndiwe Kristo, Mwana wa Mungu akiye hai. (Mathayo 16:16). Akajibu, akanena, Naamini ya kwamba Yesu Kristo ndiye Mwana wa Mungu (Matendo 8:37).

4. UBATIZO, unaowaokoa ninyi pia siku hizi (1 Petro 3:21). Aaminiye na kubatizwa ataokoka (Marko 16:16). Mtu asipozaliwa kwa maji na kwa Roho, hawezi kuuingia ufalme wa Mungu (Yohana 3:5). Kwa rehema yake, kwa kuoshwa kwa kuzaliwa kwa pili na kufanywa upya na Roho Mtakatifu (Tito 3:5). Tubuni mkabatizwe kila mmoja kwa jina lake Yesu Kristo, mpate ondoleo la dhambi zenu (Matendo 2:38). Simama, ubatizwe, ukaoshe dhambi zako (Matendo 22:16). Maana ninyi nyote mliobatizwa katika Kristo mmemvaa Kristo (Wagalatia 3:27). Hamfahamu ya kuwa sisi sote tuliobatizwa katika Kristo Yesu tulibatizwa katika mauti yake? (Warumi 6:3). Hata imekuwa, mtu akiwa ndani ya Kristo amekuwa kiumbe kipya (2 Wakorintho 5:17).

5. TUPATE KUISHI KWA kiasi, na haki, na utauwa, katika ulimwengu huu wa sasa; tukilitazamia tumaini lenye baraka na mafunuo ya utukufu wa Kristo Yesu, Mungu mkuu na Mwokozi wetu; ambaye alijitoa nafsi yake kwa ajili yetu, ili atukomboe na maasi yote, na kujisafishia watu wawe milki yake mwenyewe, wale walio na juhudi katika matendo mema. (Tito 2:12-14).

Nanyi mmeyashika yale mapokeo vile vile kama nilivyowatolea. (1 Wakorintho 11:2).

Neema ya Bwana Yesu na iwe pamoja nanyi nyote. Amina. (Ufunuo 22:21).

Heri wazifuao nguo zao, wawe na amri kuuendea huo mti wa uzima, na kuingia mjini kwa milango yake. (Ufunuo 22:14).

Amina; na uje, BwanaYesu!



Hechos 16:30

J.D. Phillips

1. Elios contestaron: - Cree en el Señor Jesus, y obtendrás la salvación tú y tu familia. (Hechos 16:31) Pero no es posible agradar a Dios sin tener fe, porque para acercase a Dios, uno tiene que creer que existe y que recompensa a los que lo buscan. (Hebereos 11:6) pero el que no crea, será condenado. (Marcos 16:16) porque si no creen que Yo Soy, morarán en sus pecados. (Juan 8:24) Así pasa con la fe: por sí sola, es decit, si no se demuestra con hechos, es una cosa muerta. (Santiago 2:17).

2. Vuélvanse a Dios (Hecos 2:38) Les digo que no; y si ustedes mismos no se vuelven a Dios, también morirán. (Lucas 13:3,5) Dios pasó por alto en otros tiempos la ignorancia de la gente, pero ahora ordena a todos, en tdas partes, que se vuelvan a él. (Hechos 17:30) ¡De manera que también a los que no son judíos les ha dado Dios la oportunidad de volverse a él y alcanzar la vida eterna! (Hecos 11:18).

3. Y con la boca se reconoce a Jesucristo para alcanzar la salvación. (Romanos 10:10) Si con tu boca reconoces a Jesús como Señor, y con tu corazón crees que Dios lo resucitó, alcanzarás la salvación. (Romanos 10:9) Si alguien se declara a mi favor delante de los hombres, yo también me declararé a favor de él delante de mi Padre que está en el cielo. (Mateo 10:32) Tú eres el Mesías (Mateo 16:16) Y el hombre confesió - Creo que Jesucristo es el Hijo de Dios. (Hechos 8:37).

4. Y aquella agua representaba el agua del bautiusmo, por medio del cual somos ahora salvados. (1 Pedro 3:21) El que crea y sea bautizado, obtendrá la salvación: (Marcos 16:16) Te aseguro que el que no nace de agua y del Espiritu, no puede entrar en el reino de Dios. (Juan 3:5) por pura misericordia nos salvó lavándonós y regenerándonos, y dándonos nueva vida por el Espíritu Santo. (Tito 3:5) Vuélvanse a Dios y bautícese cada uno en el nombre de Jesucristo, para que Dios les perdone sus pecados, y así él les dará el Espíritu Santo. (Hechos 2:38) Levántate, baitizate y lávate de tus pecados, invocando el nombre dei Señor. (Hechos 22:16) ya que al unirse a Cristo en el bautismo, (Gálatas 3:27) ¿No saben ustedes que, al quedar ubidos a Cristo Jesús en el bautismo, quedamos unitos a su muene? (Romanos 6:3) Por lo tánto, el que está unidi a Cristo es una nueva persona. (2 Corintos 5:17).

Esa bondad de Dios nos enseña a renunciar a la maidad y a los deseos nubdanos, y a lievar en el tiempo presente una vida de buen juicio, rectitud y piedad, mientras ilega el feliz cumplimiento de nuestra esperanza: el regreso glorioso de nuestro gran Dios y Salvador Jesucristo. El se entregó a la muerte por nosotros, para rescatarnos de loda maidad y limplarnos completamente, haciendo de nostros el pueblo de su propiedad, empeñados en hacer el bien. (Tito 2:12-14).

Los felicito porque siempre se acuerdan de mi y mantienen las tradiciones que les trasmiti. (1 Corintios 11:2).

Que el Señor Jesús derrame su graca sobre todos. (Apocalipsis 22:21).

Dichosos los que lavan sus ropas para tener derecho al árbol de la vida y poder entrar por las puertas de la ciudad. (Apocalipsis 22:14).


S. Ndebele

1. KHOLWA kuJesu Krestut (Izenzo 16:30,31). Kodwana umuntu nanganakukholwa, uZimu angekhe athaba ngomuntu loyo, ngombana loyo oya kuZimu, kufanele akholwe bona ukhona nokobanyana uyabavuza labo abamfunako (KumaHebheru 11:6). Loyo ongakholwako, uzakwahlulelwa ngezono zakhe (Markosi 16:16). Naningakholwako bona nginguye enginguye (Jwanisi 8:24). Ngokunjalo_ke nekolo nayo nayingavezi imisebenzi emihle, ikolo leyo ifile (KajaKobosi 2:17).

2. TJHUGULUKANI ezonweni zenu (Izenzo 2:38). Kwamambala ngiyanitjela bona lokha naningatjhugulukiko ezonweni zenu, nonke nizokufa njengabo (Luka 13:3,5). UZimu ... khathesi khona utjela abantu boke bona batjhuguluke eendleleni zabo ezimbi (Izenzo 17:30). Yeke uZimu selabaphile abatjhile ithuba lokutjhugulukela ekuphileni! (Izenzo 11:18).

3. NANGOKUVUMA kwethu isono siyaphuluswa (KwebeRoma 10:10). Ngombana lokha nawuvumako ngomlomo wakho bona uJesu uyiKosi, ubukholwe ngehlizyo yakho bona uZimu wamvusa kwabafileko, uzophuluswa (KwebeRoma 10:9). Ngiloyo naloyo ongivumako phambi kwabantu, nami ngomvuma phambi koBaba osezulwini (Matewu 10:32). UnguKrestu, iNdodana kaZimu ophilako (Matewu 16:16). Ngiyakholwa bona uJesu Krestu yiNdodana kaZimu (Izenzo 8:37).

4. Amanzi wona ajamele UMBHABHADISO, akusiwe osusa isila yomzimba

(I KaPitrosi 3:21). Loyo okholwako abhabhadiswe, uzaphuluswa (Markosi 16:16). Akakho noyedwa ozangena embusweni kaZimu ngaphandle kobana abelethwe ngamanzi nangoMoya (Jwanisi 3:5). Wasiphulusa, wasihlamba ngokusizala kabutjha, nangokusenza kabutjha ngoMoya oCwengileko (KuTitosi 3:5). Omunye nomunye wenu abhabhadiswe ebizweni lakaJesu Krestu, khona izono zenu zizalitjalelwa (Izenzo 2:38). Sikima ubhabhadiswe, kuhlanjwe izono zakho ngokubiza ibizo lakhe! (Izenzo 22:16). Nonke nina enbhabhadiswa nihlanganiswe noKrestu (KwebeGalatiya 3:27). Sabhabhadiselwa ekufeni kwakhe (KwebeRoma 6:6:3). Nje_ke umuntu nesele akuKrestu, selidlule kuye (II KwebeKorinte 5:17).

5. Umusa loyo usifundisa bona silise ububi neenkanuko zephasi, siphile ngokuziphatha, nangokulunga, nangokusaba uZimu ephasinapha, njengombana silindele ilangelo elibusisiweko esiliqale ngethemba, mhlana iphazimulo kaZimu neyoMphulusi wethu uJesu Krestu, iyobonakala ngalo. Yena wazinikela ngebanga lethu, ze asiphephise ekukhohlakaleni koke, asenze abahlanzekileko, khona sizaba ngebakhe yedwa, sizimisele ukwenza okulungileko (KuTitosi 2:12_14).

Ngiyanibuka, ngombana ningikhumbula njalo, nibambelele eemfundweni zonke, njengombana ngazedlulisela kini (I KwebeKorinte 11:2).

Sengathi umusa weKosi yethu uJesu Krestu ungaba nani noke. Ameni (Isambulo 22:21). Babusisiwe labo abahlanza iingubo zabo zihlanzeke, khona bazaba nelungelo lokudla isithelo somuthi wokuphila, bangene emzini ngamasango wawo (Isambulo 22:14).

J.D. Phillips



by J.D. Phillips

1. Navo vakati, Tenda Mambo Jesu, newe woponeswa, iiwewe neve mhatso yako. (Zakaitwa 16:31) Asi pasina kugonda aziõgaitiki kumudakadza, õgokuti uwo unouya kuna Mõari, kunotamika kuti atende kuti oriyo, ze, kuti uri muhini weavo vanomutsaka. (VaHeberu 11:16) Iye unotenda, abapatidzwe, unozoponeswa; (Marako 16:16) õgokuti kudai musikatendi kuti ndiri aye munozofira muzishaishi zenyu. (Johani 8:24) Dgokudaro kugonda kudai kusina mishando kwakafa, kuri kwega. (Jakobe 2:17).

2. Tenderukai, umõe õgaumõe wenyu, mubapatidzwe mõeshe õgezina raJesu Kristu, (Zakaitwa 2:38) Haiwa: asi õgepabanzi pokuti mutemderuke imõimõi, (Ruka 13:3,5) Dgemikuwo yokusikazia uku, Mõari aazi kuriõgisisa; asi zino unopaõgisisa vanhu kuti veshe kundau dzeshe, vatenderuke. (Zakaitwa 17:30) Ndizo Mõari wakahinawo kune vemadzinza kutenderuka kuti vapone. (Zakaitwa 11:18).

3. Naõgomuromo unotenda kuano kuponeswa. (VaRoma 10:10) Dgokuti kudai wecitenda Mambo Jesu õgomuromo wako, nokugonda mumõoyo mõako kuti Mõari wakamumusa kwevakafa, unozoponeswa. (VaRoma 10:9) Ndizo weshe uwo unozonditenda pamberi pevanhu, nayewo ndinozomutenda pamberi pababa aõgu vari mudeõga. (Mateu 10:32) Iwewe uri Kristu, Mukororo waMõari unopona. (Mateu 16:16) Ndinotenda kuti Jesu Kristu uri Mukororo waMõari. (Zakaitwa 8:37)

4. Nouwo muedzaniso worubapatidzo, unomuponesa, (1 Petro 3:21) Iye unotenda, abapatidzwe, unozoponeswa; (Marako 16:16) Ndinoti kwouri, kudai munhu asijabarwi kwouri, kudai munhu asikabarwi õgemvura naõgoMõeya, aanasimba rokupotera muumambo kwaMõari. (Johani 3:5) asi kudai õgouwandi hwenyasha dzake wakatiponesa, õgokushambidzwa kwokubarwa kutsa, nokuandudzwa ndiMõyea Wakacena, (Titusi 3:5) Tenderukai, umõe õgaumõe wenyu, mubapatidzwe mõeshe õgezina raJesu Kristu, õgendaa yokurekererwa kwezishaishi zenyu. (Zakaitwa 2:38) Miruka, ubapatidzwe, usunhurwe kubva muzishaishi zako (Zakaitwa 22:16) vakabapatidzwa kuna Kristu, (VaGaratia 3:27) takabapatidzirwa mukufa kwake? (VaRoma 6:3) Ndizo kudai munhu ari kuna Kristu, uri cisikwa citsa: (2 VaKorinte 5:17)

5. Dzecitidzidzisa kuti teciramba zakashata nokuemura zomunyika tipone õgokuõgwara nomukururama naõgokuteera Mõari munyika muno: Teciriõgira iro gonda rinomucena, nokuoneka kwoutende kwaMõari wedu mukuru noMuponesi Jesu Kristu: Uwo wakadzihina õgepamsoro pedu kuti atiripire kubva mukushata kweshe, nokuti adzicenesere vanhu vaite nake vemene, vanotsamõirira kuita mishando yakanaka. (Titusi 2:12-14).

Zino ndinomuiridza õgokuti munondiceredza õgeziro zeshe, nokubatirira kuziemeso kudai õgeze ndakazihina kwomuri. (1 VaKorinte 11:2).

Nyasha dzaMambo Jesu õgadzia nemõi mõeshe. (Cakapaõgidzirwa 22:21).

Vanomucena avo vanosuka õguwe dzavo, kuti vakone kuuya kumuti wokupona, nokupotera õgepazimana mudoropa. (Cakapaõgidzirwa 22:14).



Colocado en las mismas palabras de hombres inspirados.

1. CHEA en el Señor Jesucristo, y usted se salvará (Hechos 16:30,31). Sin fe es imposible de agradado: porque él es, y que Él eso cree no se condenará (Marcos 16:16). Si usted no cree que yo soy èl, usted se morirá en sus pecados (Juan 8:24). Fe, si no tiene trabajos, está muerto y está solo (Jaime 2:17).

2. ARREPIÉNTASE Cada uno de ustedes (Hechos 2:38). Exceptúe usted se arrepiente usted perecer’a (Lucas 13:3,5). Dios... Ahora los órdenes todos los hombres por todas partes para arrepentirse (Hechos 17:30). Entonces tiene Dios concedido arrepentimento hacia la vida (Hechos 11:18).

3. La CONFESIÓN se hace hacia la salvación (Romanso 10:10). Si usted confesará con su boca el Señor Jesús, y cree en su corazón que Dios lo ha levantado del muerto, usted se salvará (Romanos 10:9). Quienquiera me confesará por consiguiente ante los hombres, él quiere yo confieso ante mi padre que está en cielo (Mattheus 10:32). Usted el Cristo (Mattheus 16:16). "Yo creo que Jesús Christ es el Hijo de Dios" (Hechos 8:7).

4. Él BAUTISMO también nos salva ahora (1 Pedro 3:21). Él eso cree y se bautiza se ahorrará (Marcos 16:16). Exceptúe a un hombre nazca de agua y del Espíritu, él no puede entrar en el reino de Dios (Juan 3:5). Él nos salvó, por el lavado de regeneración y el renovando del espíritu santo (Tito 3:5). Se bautizado, cada uno de ustedes, en el nombre de Jesus Christ, para la remisión de pecados (Hechos 2:38). Se bautizado, y lava sus pecados lejos (Hechos 22:16). Bautizado en Cristo (Galatas 3:27). Bautizado en su muerte (Romanos 6:3). Si cualquier hombre está en Cristo (Galatas 3:27). Bautizado en su muerte (Romanos 6:3). Si cualquier hombre está en Cristo que él es una nueva criatura (2 Corintios 5:17).

5. NOSOTROS debemos VIVIR sobriamente, honradamente, y piadoso, en este mundo del presente; buscando la esperanza bendita, y el apareciendo glorioso del gran Dios muestro Salvador Jesús Christ que se dio para nosotros, que él podria reembolsarnos de toda la iniquidad, y purifica hacia él un personas peculiares, celoso de trabajos (Tito 2:12-14).

USTED ... GUARDE las ORDENANZAS cuando yo los he entregado hacia usted (1 Corintios 11:2).

LA GRACIA de nuestro Señor Jesucristo está con usted todos. Amén (Apocalypses 22:21).

Bendecido es ellos quién hace sus mandos, que ellos pueden tener derecho al árbol de vida, y puede entrar en a través de las verjas en la ciudad (Apocalypses 22:14).

J.D. Phillips

¡No quede detrás de cuando el Señor viene!



J.D. Phillips

1. Minoa an’i Jesosy Tompo, dia hovonjena hianao sy ny aankohonanao. (Asan’ 16:31) Fa raha tsy amin’ ny finoana, dia tsy misy azo ato hahazoana sitraka aminy; fa izay manatona an’ Andriamanitra dia tsy maintsy mino fa misy Izy sady Mpamaly soa izay nazoto mitady Azy. (Hebreo 11:6) fa izay tsy mety mino no hohelohina. (Marka 16:16) fa raha tsy mino hianareo fa Izaho no Izy, dia ho faty amin’ ny fahotanareo hianareo. (Jaona 8:24) Ary mba toy izany koa ny finoana, raha tsy misy asa, dia maty mihitsy. (Jakoba 2:17)

2. Mibebaha, ary aoka samy... (Asan’ 2:38) Tsia, hoy Izaho aminarero; (Lioka 13:3,5) Andriamanitra ..... ankehitriny Izy mandidy ny olona rehetra amin’ izao tontolo izao hibebaka, (Asan’ 17:30) Efa nomen’ Andriamanitra ny jentilisa koa ny fibebahana hahazoany fiainans. (Asan’ 11:18).

3. Ary amin’ ny vava no anekena hahazoana famonjena. (Romana 10:10) satria raha manaiky an’ i Jesosy ho Tompo amin’ ny vavanao hianao ary mino amin’ ny fonao fa Andriamanitra efanangana Azy tamin’ ny maty, dra hovonjena hianao. (Romana 10:9) Ary amin’ izany na zovy na zovy no hanaiky Ahy eo anatrehan’ ny olona, dia hekeko kosa izy eo anatrehan’ ny Raiko Izay any an-danitra. (Matio 10:32) Hianao no Kristy, (Matio 16:16) Mino aho fa Jesosy Kristy no Zanak’ Andriamanitra. (Asan 8:37).

4. Batisa izay mamonjy anareo koa ankehitriny, dia ny batisa, izay tenan’ lo tandindona io, (I Petera 3:21) Izay mino sy atao batisa no hovonjena; (Marka 16:16) Raha misy olona tsy ateraky ny rano sy ny Fanahy, dia tsy mahazo miditra amin’ ny fanjakan’ Andriamanitra izy. (Jaona 3:5) fa araka ny famindrampo kosa no namonjeny antsika, (Titosy 3:5) Mibebaha, ary aoka samy hatao batisa amin’ ny anaran’ i Jesosy Kristy hianarero rehetra mba hahazo famelana ny helokareo; (Asan’ 2:38) Mitsangàna, miantsoa ny anarany, ary aoka hatao batisa hinao ka hosana ho afaka amin’ ny fahotanao. (Asan’ 22:16) batisa ho an’ i Kristy (Galatiana 3:27) batisa ho amin’ ny fahafatesany? (Romana 6:3) Koa raha misy olona ao amin’ i Kristy, dia olom-baovao izy; (I Korintiana 5:17).

Mampianatra antsika handa izay toe-panahy tsy araka an’ Andriamanitra sy ny filan’ izao tontolo izao ary ho vekona amin’ ny onony sy ny marina ary ny toe-panahy araka an’ Andriamanitra amin’ izao fiainana ankrhitriny izao, miandry ny fanantenana maha finaritra sy ny fisehoan’ ny voninahitr’ Andriamanitra lehibe sady Mpamonly antsika, dia Jesosy Kristy, Izay nanolotra ny tenany hamoniy antsika, mba hanavotany antsika ho afaka amin’ ny ota rehetra, sy hanadiovany izay olona ho an’ ny tenany, sady ho mazoto indrindra amin’ ny asa tsara izany. (Titosy 3:12-14).

ARY midera anareo aho, satria mahatsiaro ahy amin’ ny zavatra rehetra hianareo sadymitana tsara ny famplanarana natolotra, araka ny nanolorako azy taminareo. (I Korintiana 11:2)

HO AMIN’ ny olona masina anie ny fahasoavan’ i Jesosy Kristy. (Apokalypsy 22:21)

Sambatra izay manasa ny akanjony, mba hananany fahefana amin’ ny hazon’ aina sy hidirany amin’ ny vavahady ho ao an-tanàna. (Apokalypsy 22:14).



Oviungura 16:30

Arranged by J,D. Phillips

1. Kambura mu Muhona Jesus, nu mo hupisiwa, ove nonganda yoye. (Oviungura 16:31) Kape nomundu ngu tjata ku Ndjambi e hi nongamburiro. Orondu ingwi ngu ma tumbuka ku Ndjambi ma sokukara nongamburiro yokutja ku na Ndjambi, nokutja Eye u yandja ondjambi ku imba mbe Mu paha. (OvaHeberi 11:6) Ingwi ngwa kambura na papitisiwa ma hupisiwa komuinyo, (Markus 16:16) Nene mamu tire momauvi wenu indu tji mu hi nokukambura kutja Ami owAmi Ami. (Johanes 8:24) Nongamburiro wina otjinga ai ri nao: Oyo tji i ri uriri nokuhinovitjitwa, okutja ya koka. (Jakobus 2:17)

2. Rivingurureye omitima nu auhe a papitisiwe mena raJesus Kristus (Oviungura 2:38) Indee uri! Me raere ene, tji mu hi nakuritanaura komauvi wenu, ene wina mamumtu momuhingo mbwa sana ngo. (Lukas 13:3, 5) Ndjambi wa zembira ovandu iswi otuveze owo tuyave he Mu tjiwa, nungwari nambano, Eye mr ve rakiza avehe akuhe kutja ve ise ozondjira zawo zourunde, (Oviungura 17:30) Nangwari Ndjambi wa vandja ku imba mbe he ri Ovajuda wina ondabukiro yomutima kokutja ve kare nomuinyo! (Oviungura 11:18).

3. Nu tu hupisiwa komuinyo mena rokutja tu hongonona novinyo vyetu. (OvaRoma 10:10) Tji mo hongonona notjinyo tjoye kutja Jesus oMuhona, nu tji mo kambura nomutima woye kutja Ndjambi we Mu pendura novakoke, indino mo yamwa. (OvaRoma 10:9) Auhe ngu ma hongonona kutja owandje komurungu wovandu, Ami wina otjinga ame mu hongonona komurungu waTate meyuru. (Mateus 10:32) Oove Kristus, Omuna waNdjambi omunamuinyo. (Mateus 16:16) Ii, me vanga! Me kambura kutja Jesus Kristus ibgu ri Omuna waNdjambi. (Oviungura 8:37).

4. Tjombapitisimo nambano ndji mai mu yama. (1 Petrus 3:21) Ingwi ngwa kambura na papitisiwa ma hupisiwa komuinyo, (Markus16:16) Tjiti, me ku raere kutja omundu tje hi nokukwatwa momeva na mOmbepo, kamaa sora okuhita mOuhona waNdjambi. (Johanes 3:5) Eye wa tjita nai momakohero wokukwatwa rukwao, na mOmbepo Ondjapuke ndji yandja omuinyo omupe. (Titua 3:5) Rivingurureye omitima nu auhe a papitisiwe mena raJesus Kristus kokutja mu isirwe omauvi wenu, nene mamu pewa otjiyandjewa tjaNdjambi, indji Ombepo Ondjapuke. ( Oviungura 2:38) Nambano mo wombere tjike nai? Sekama u papitisiwe nu u kohwe komauvi woye indu tji wa isana ena re! (Oviungura 22:16) Ingwi ngu ri owaKristus, eye omundu imupe. Imbi ovikuru vya kapita, avihe vya rirenovipe. (2 OvaKorinte 5:17)

Otjari hi tji tu vyura kutja tu poke kongarero ndji ha sere na kozonduma zouye, nokutja tu kare nongarero yozondunge nousemba nondjozikirp ku Ndjambi mouye mbwi, ngunda amatu tara nondero keyuva eningandu, ndi tu undja, Meyuva undo ounene waNdjambi wetu omunene nOmuyame wetu Jesus Kristus mau munika.. Eye we riyandjera ete pkutukutura komaurunde aehe nokutukohorora tu rire otjiwana tji tji ri otje omuini erike, nu tji tji ramangera okutjita oviungura oviwa. (Titus 2:12-14)

Ami me mu tanga, tjinga aruhe amu ndi zemburuka nami takamisa omahongero ngu mba yandja ku ene. (1 OvaKorinte 11:2).

Otjari tjaMuhona Jesus ngatji kare na ene amuhe! (OmaVandururiro 22:21)

Ovaningandu imba mbe koha ozombanda zawo, kokutja ve kare nousemba wokurya kovihape vyomuti womuinyo, nokuhitira momivero motjihuro. ( OmaVandururiro 22:14).




1. Crois au Seigneur Jésus et tu seras sauvé, (Actes 16:30,31). Or, sans la foi, il est impossible d’être agréable à Dieu, car celui qui s’approche de Dieu doir croire qu’il existe er qu’il récompense ceux qui le cherchent. (Hébreux 11:6). Celui qui croira et sera baptisé sera sauvé, celui qui ne croira pas sera condamné (Marc 16:16). En effet, vous ne croyez pas que JeSuis, vous mourrez dans vos péchés (Jean 8:24). De même, la foi qui n’aurait pas d’æuvres est morte dans son isolement (Jacques 2:17).

2. Convertissez-vous: que chacun de vous reçoive (Actes 2:38). Mais si vous ne vous convertissez pas, vous périrez tous de même. (Luc 13:3,5). Annonce maintenant aux hommes que tous et partout ont à se convertir. (Actes 17:30). Dieu a donné aussi aux nations païennes la conversion qui mène à la Vie! (Actes 11:18).

3. Confesser de sa bouche conduit au salut. (Romains 10:10). Si, de ta bouche, tu confesses que Jésus est Seigneur et si, dan ton cæur, tu crois que Dieu l’a ressuscité des morts, tu seras sauvé (Romains 10:9). Quiconque se déclarera pour moi devant les hommes, je me déclarerai moi aussi pour lui devant mon Père qui est aux cieux; (Matthieu 10:32). Tu es la Christ, le Fils du Dieu vivant (Matthieu 16:16). Je crois que Jesus Christ est le Fils de Dieu. (Actes 8:37).

4. Baptême qui vous sauve maintenant (I Pierre 3:21). Celui qui croira et sera baptisé sera sauvé (Marc 16:16). Nul, s’il ne naît d’eau ei d’Espritne peut entrer dans le Royaume de Dieu (Jean 3:5). (Tite 3:5). Le baptême au nom de Jêsus Christ pour le pardon de ses pêchés, et vous recevrez le don du Saint Esprit (Actes 2:38). Allons!Reçois le baptême et la purification de tes péchés en invoquant son nom (Actes 22:16). Oui, vous tous qui avez été baptisés en Christ, vous avez revêtu Christ (Galates 3:27). Baptême en sa mort (Romains 6:3). Aussi, si quelqu’un est en Christ, il est une nouvelle créature (2 Corinthiens 5:17).

Pour que nous vivions dans le temps présent avrc réserve, justice et piété, en artendant la bienheureuse espérance et la manifestation de la gloire de notre grand Dieu et Sauveur Jésus Christ. Il s’est donné lui-même pour nous, afin de nous racheter de toute iniquité et de purifier un peuple qui lui appartienne, qui soit plein d’ardeur pour les belles æuvres (Tite 2:12-14).

Et de conserver les traditions telles que je vous les ai transmises. (1 Corinthiens 11:20.

La grâce du Seigneur Jésus soit avec tous! (Apocalypse 22:21).

Heureux ceux qui lavent leurs robes, afin d’avoir droit à l’arbre de vie, et d’entrer, par les portes, dans la cité (Apocalypse 22:14).

Amen, viens Seigneur Jésus!



1. GELOOF in die Here Jezus ... en u zult gered worden (Hand. 16:30,31), zonder geloof is dat onmoegelijk. Wie by God wil komen moet geloven, dat hij bestaat en dat hij beloont wie hem zoeken. (Heb. 11:6). Wie weigert te geloven, wordt veroordeeld. (Marcus 16:16). Als u weigert te geloven dat ik ben die ik ben, zult u sterven in uw zonden. (Johannes 8:24). Zo is het ook met het geloof: als het metnresulteert in daden, is het op zichzelf genomen dood. (Jakobus 2:17).

2. BEKEREN - Begin een nieuw leven ... en laat u dopen in de naam van Jezus Christus (Hand. 2:38). Maar nogmaals: als u geen nieuw leven begint, zult u allemaal omkomen, evenals zij. (Lucas 13:3,5). Hij laat nu alle mensen over de hele wereld weten dai ze een nieuw leven moeten beginnen. (Hand. 17:30). God heeft dus ook de niet-Joden de gelegenheid gegeven zich te bekeren en te leven! (Hand. 11:18).

3. BRENGT - en dat brengt ons redding. (Romeinen 10:10). Alsu met uw mond belijdt: Jezus is die Here, en met uw hart gelooft dat God hem van die dood heeft opgewekt, wordt u gered. (Romeinen 10:9), Leder die tegenover de mensen er openlijk voor uitkomt dat hij bij mij hoort, voor hem zal ik hetzelfde doen tegenover mijn Vader in de hemel. (Matteüs 10:32). U bent de Christus, de Zoon van de levende God! (Matteüs 16:16). Ik geloof dat Jezus Christus de Zoon is van God. (Hand. 8:37).

4. DOOP - de doop waardoor u nu wordt gered. (1 Petrus 3:21). Wie gelooft en zich laat dopen, wordt gered. (Marcus 16:16). Niemand kan koninkrijk van God binnenkomen, als hij niet geboren wordt uit water en Geest. (Johannes 3:5). En laat u dopen in die naam van Jezus Christus om vergeving te krijgen van uw zonden; en u zult de heilige Geest geschonken krijgen. (Hand. 2:38). Laat je dopen en je zonden afwassen onder het aanroepen van zijn naam. (Hand. 22:16). De doop heeft u allen met Chrisus verenigd (Galaten 3:27). Door de doop die ons één maakte met het stervan Christus Jezus, werd zijn dood ook onze dood.Dat weet u toch wel! (Romeinen 6:3). Want wie één is geworden met Christus, is een nieuwe schepping. (2 Kor. 5:17).

ZE VOEDT ONS OP EN LEERT ONS DAT we ons moeten afkeren van ons goddeloos leven en onze wereldse verlangens en dat we bezonnen, rechtvaardig en vroom moeten leven in deze wereld. In afwachting van het geluk waar we op hopen: de manifestatie van de heerlijkheid van onze grote God en redder. Christus Jezus. Hij heeft zichzelf voor ons opgeofferd om ons vrij te maken van elke ongerechtigheid en om ons te voormen tot een volk, dat gereinigdis van zonde, hem alleen toebehoort en zich inzet voor het goede. (Titus 2:12-14).

U HOUDT AAN DE OVERLEVERINGEN die ik u heb doorgegeven. (I Kor. 11:2).

Die Here Jezus zij u allen genadig. (Openbaring 22:21).

Gelukkig te prijzen zijn zij die hun kleren wassen en daardoor het recht hebben de vrucht van de levensboom te eten en door de poorten de stad binnen te gaan. (Openbaring 22:14).

J.D. Phillips



J.D. Phillips

1. KHULUPIRIRA Ambuye Yesu, ndipo udzapulumuka a m’banja mwako. (Ntchito 16:31) Ndipotu popanda chikhulupiriro nkosatheka kukondweretsa Mulungu. (Aheberi 11:5) Koma yemwe sadzakhulupirira, Mulungu adzamlanga. (Marko 16:16) Pakuti ngati simukhulupirira kuti Ine ndine amene ndili,,udzaferadi m’machimo anu. (Yohane 8:24) Koteronso chikhulupiriro chopanda ntchito zabwino, nchakufa. (Yakobo 2:17).

2. LAPANI, ndipo aliyense mwa inu abatizidwe m’dzina la Yesu Kristu.(Ntchito 2:38) Koma ngati simulapa, inunso mudzwonongedwa nonga iwo aja. (Luka 13:3,5) Mulungu ... koma tsopano aliku;amula anthu onse ponseponse kuti alape. (Ntchito 17:30) Motero Mulungu wapatsa anthu a nitundu yina omwe mwayi woti alapedi kulandira moyo! (Ntchito 11:18)

3. Ngati ubvomereza pakamwa pako kuti Yesu ndiye Ambuye, ndipo ngati ukhulupirira mumtima mwako kuti Mulungu anamulitsa kea akufa, udzapulumuka.(ARoma 10:9) Aliyense wondibvomereza Ine pamaso pa anthu, Inenso ndidzambvomereza pamaso pa Atate anga a Kumwamba. (Mateo 10:32) Inu ndinu Mpulumutsi wolonjezedwa uja, Mwana wa Mulungu wampyo. (Mateo 16:16) Ndikhulupirira kuti Yesu Kristu ndiye Mwana wa Mulungu. (Ntchito 8:37)

4. UBATIZO umene lero ukupuhumutsani (I Petro 3:21) Yemwe akakhulupirire ndi kubatizidwa, adzapulumuka, (Marko 16:16) Zoonadi ndikukuuza kuti ngati munthunsabadwa mwa madzi ndi Mzimu Woyera,sangathe kulowa mu Ufumu wa Mulungo. (Yohane 3:5) Anatisambitsa mwa Mzimu Woyera pakutibadwitsa kwatsopano ndi kutipatsa moyo watsopano. (Tito 3:5) Lapani, ndipo aliyense mwa inu abatizidwe m’dzina Ia Jesu Kristu. (Ntchito 2:38) Dzuka, ndipo petamando dzina lake, ubatizidwe ndi kusambitsidwa kuti machimo ako achoke. (Ntchito 22:16) ndi Kristu pakubatizidwa, (AmaGalatia 3:27) Kodi simudziwa kuti tonse amene tinasanduka amodzi ndi Kristu Yesu pakubaptizidwa, ndi ubatizo womwewo tinasandukanso amodzi ndi Iye muimfa yake? (Aroma 6:3) Ngati munthu ali mwa Kristu, ngolengedwa kwatsopano. (2 Akorinto 5:17)

5. Kukoma mtima kwakeko kumatiphunzitsa kuti tisiye moyo wosachitira Mulungu ulemu, ndiponso zilakolako za dziko lapansi. Kumatiphunzitsa kuti moyo wathu pansi pano ukhale wodzi;etsa, wolungama ndiponso wochitira Mulungu ulemu. Pakuti tilikudikira tsiku lodala, pamene zidzachitike zimene tilikuyembekeza, ndipo tidzaona Mulungu wammkulu ndi Mpulumutsi wathu Yesu Kristu alikubwera mwaulemerero. Iyeyu anadzipereka chifukwa cha ife, kuti atipulumutse kuzoipa zathu zonse, ndi kutiyeretsa kuti tikhale anthu ake achangu pantchito zonse zabwino. (Tito 2:12-14)

Ndipo kuti mumasunga chiphunzitso chimene ndinakusiyirani. (1 Akorinto 11:2)

Ambuye Yesu akudalitseni nonse. (Chibvumbulutso 22:21)

Ngodala amene achapa mikanjo yawo, kuti aloledwe kudya zipatso za mtengo wopatsa moyo, ndiponso kulowa mumzinda kudzera pazipata zija. (Chibvumbulutso 22:14)



1. DUMELA mo go Morena Jesu, mme o t1a pholosiwa (Ditiro 16:30,31). Mme ga go kgonege go o kgatlha kwa ntle ga tumelo; gonne yo o atamelang Modimo o tshwanetse go dumela gore o teng 1e gore ke ona moduedi wa ba ba o batlang (BaHebere 11:6). Yo o sa dumeleng ene o t1a atlholwa (Mareko 16:16). Gonne fa lo sa dumele gore ke nna ena, lo tla swela mo dibeng tsa lona (Johane 8:24). Tumelo le yona jalo, fa e le yosi, e se na ditiro, e sule (Jakobo 2:17).

2. TLHABOLOGANG, mme a mongwe le mongwe (Ditiro 2:38). Mme fa lo sa sokologe, le lonalo tla nyelela jalo lotlhe (Luka 13:3,5). Modimo ... mmc jamong o laela batho botlhe mo ntlheng tsotlhe go tlhabologa (Ditiro 17:30). Jaanong ke go re: baditshaba lebone Modimo o ba neile tlhabologo e e isang bophelong (Ditiro 11:18).

3. IPOLELA ka molomo go isa pholosong (BaRoma 10:10). Gonne fa o ipolela ka molomo o re, Jesu ke Morena, o dumela ka pelo gore Modimo o mo tsositse mo baswing, o tla pholosiwa (BaRoma 10:9). Jaanong mongwe lr mongwe yo 0 tla impolelang fa pele ga batho, le nna ke tla mo ipolela fa pele ga Rre yo o kwa magodimong (Matheo 10:32). O Keresete Morwa Modimo o o phelang (Matheo 16:16). Ke dumela gore Jesu Keresete ke Morwa Modimo (Ditiro 8:37).

4. KOLOBETSONG: Ke ona a le lona a lo pholosang kajeno kolobetsong (I Petro 3:21). Yo o dumelang, a ba a kolobediwa, o tla pholosiwa (Mareko 16:16). Fa motho a sa tsalwe ka metsi le Mowa, ga a ka kc a tsena mo pusong ya Modimo (Johane 3:5). Mme e le ka fa boutlwelongbotlhoko jwa ona ka tlhapo ya go tsalwa gape le ka ntshwafatso ya Mowa o o Boitshepo (Tito 3:5). Tihabologang, mme a mongwe le mongwe wa lona a kolobediwe ka leina la ga Jesu Keresete go bona boitshwarelo jwa dibe tsa lona (Ditiro 2:38). Nanoga o kolobediwe, o be o tlhapisiwe dibe tsa gago o ntse o bitsa leina la gagwe! (Ditiro 22:16). Gonne lona lotlhe ba lo kolobeditsweng mo go Keresete (BaGalata 3:27). Kolobeleditswe loso lwa gagwe? (BaRoma 6:3). Ka moo he, fa motho a 1e mo go Keresete, o a bo a le sebopiwa se seswa (II BaKorinthe 5:17).

MME RE PHELE KA TEKANO LE KA TSHIAMO le ka borapedi mo lefatsheng leno,re ntse re lebeletse lesego la tsholofelo,mle ponatshego ya kgalalelo ya Modimo o mogolo le ya ga Keresete Jesu Morepholosi yo o re ineeletseng losong gore a re golole mo tshiamololong yotlhe a, be a itshekise batho gore e nne ba gagwe ba ba tlhoafaletseng ditiro tse di molemo (Tito 2:12_14).

Ke a lo boka, ka lo nkgopola mo go tsotlhe, e bile lo tshe~editse ditayo ka fa ke di lo laetseng ka teng (I BaKorinte 11:2).

BOPELOTLHOMOGI jwa Morena Jesus Keresete a bo nne le lona lotlhe! Amen (Tshenolo 22:21 ).

Go sego ba ba tlhatswang diaparo tsa bone gore ba nne le tshiamelo mo setlhareng sa bophelo, ba tseng mo motseng ka dikgoro (Tshenolo 22:14).

Arranged by J.D.Phillips




Romans 3:22-24

22 ang pagkamatarung gikan sa Dios pinaagi sa pagtoo kang Jesu-Cristo alang sa tanan nga magatoo. Kay walay kalainan sa Judio ug sa Gentil.

23 Sanglit nakasala man ang tanan ug nakabsan sa himaya sa Dios,

24 sila pagamatarungon pinaagi sa iyang grasya ingon nga gasa, pinasikad sa pagkatinubos tungod kang Cristo Jesus


Romans 7:23

23 apan dinhi sa mga bahin sa akong lawas nakita ko ang laing balaod nga nagapakig-away batok sa balaod sa akong salabutan ug nagahimo kanakong binihag ngadto sa balaod sa sala nga nagalublob sa sulod sa mga bahin sa akong lawas

Acts 2:37-42

37 Ug sa ilang pagkadungog niini, gisakitan sila sa kasingkasing, ug kang Pedro ug sa ubang mga apostoles sila nangutana nga nanag-ingon, "Mga igsoon, unsa may among pagabuhaton?"

38 Ug si Pedro mitubag kanila, "Paghinulsol kamo, ug pabautismo kamo ang matag-usa kaninyo sa ngalan ni Jesu-Cristo tungod sa kapasayloan sa inyong mga sala; ug madawat ninyo ang gasa nga Espiritu Santo.

39 Kay ang saad alang kaninyo ug sa inyong mga anak ug sa tanan nga atua sa halayo, sa matag-usa nga pagatawgon sa Ginoo nga atong Dios."

40 Ug sa daghan pang mga pulong siya naghimog pagpamatuod, ug kanila miagda siya nga nag-ingon, "Luwasa ninyo ang inyong kaugalingon gikan niining sukwahi nga kaliwatan."

41 Ug unya gibautismohan kadtong mga misagop sa iyang pulong, ug niadtong adlawa may mga tulo ka libo ka mga tawo nga nahidugang kanila.

42 Ug milahutay sila sa pagpaminaw sa pagtulon-an gikan sa mga apostoles, ug milahutay sila sa pagpakig-ambitay uban kanila, sa pagpikaspikas sa tinapay, ug sa mga pag-ampo


Acts 2:47

47 nga nanagdayeg sa Dios ug nahimut-an sa tanang tawo. Ug sa matag-adlaw gidugang kanila sa Ginoo ang mga ginaluwas.

Romans 8:1

1 Busa, sila nga anaa kang Cristo Jesus dili na karon mga hinukman sa silot.



Imilimo ya Batumwa 16:30

Arranged in the very words of inspired men by J.D. Phillips

1. Tetekela Shikuly Yesu Kristu, e lyo ukapusuka, iwe na ‘ba mu õanda yobe. (Imilimo ya Batumwa 16:31) kabili ukwabulo kutetekela te kuti kube ukutemuna, pantu uupalamina kuli Lesa ali no kutetekelo kuti e ko ali, no kuti aba kalambula wa bamufwayafwaya. (AmaHebere 11:6) lelo uushitetekela akasekwa. Marko 16:16) pantu nga tamutetekela ukuti ni ‘ne wine, mukafwila mu membu shenu. (Yohane 8:24) Ifyo fine ne citetekelo, nga tacakwata milimo cabe cafwa icine. (Yakobo 2:17).

2. Lapileni (Imilimo ya Batumwa 2:38) lelo nga mwak~no kulapila, mukonaika filya fine na imwe bonse. (Luka 13:3,5) E ico inshita sha kukanaishiba shena Lesa alishisãlile, lelo nomba akonkomesha abantu bonse konse konse ukulapila; (Imilimo ya Batumwa 17:30) Kanshi na ku Bena fyalo Lesa nap‘lo kulapila ukulola ku mweo.(Imilimo ya Batumwa 11:18).

3. Kabili ku kanwa alumbula no kupusuka. (Abena Roma 10:10) Pantu ukapusuka nga walumbula ku kanwa kobe, auti, Kristu a Shikulu, kabili watetekela mu mutima obe, auti, Lesa amubãshishe ku baiwa; (Abena Roma 10:9) E ico umuntu onse uumumbula bwino ku menso ya bantu, na ine nkamulumbula ku mensoya kwa Tata wa nu mãlu; (Mateo 10:32) Ni ‘mwe Kristu, Umwana wa kwa Lesa wa mweo. (Mateo 16:16) Ndetetekela ndetila Yesu Kristu Mwana wa kwa Lesa. (Imilimo ya Batumwa 8:37).

4. Ayo icipasho ca yako lubatisho, cilepususha na imwe lelo (1 Petro 13:21) uwatetekela no kubatishiwa akapusuka, (Marko 16:16) ngo muntu tfelwe ku menshi na ku Mupashi, te kuti engile mu bufuma hwa kwa Lesa. (Yohane 3:5) mu kusamba kwa kufyalwa libili no kulengwa cipya cipya ku Mupashi wa mushilo (Tito 3:5) no kubatishiwa onse wa muli imwe mwi shina lya kwa Yesu Kristu ku kulekelelwe membu shenu (Imilimo ya Batumwa 2:38) Ima, ubatishiwe no kusambe membu shobe, (Imilimo ya Batumwa 22:16) Pantu imwe bonse ababatishiwa muli Kristu, (Abena Galatia 3:27) Bushe tamwaishiba ukuti fwe bonse ababatishiwe muli Kristu Yesu twabatishiwe mu mfwa yakwe? (Abena Roma 6:3) E ico ngo muntu ali muli Kristu, abe cibumbwa cipya: (2 Abena Korinti 5:17).

Pa kutufunda ukuti tube abak~na ukubulapepa ne fya lunkumbwa fya pano isonde, kabili tube no mweo wa kutekanya, kabili uwa bulungami, kabili umwabela bukapepa mu bwikashi buno bwa nomba; tube abalolele ca kucetekelako ice shuko, e kutila, ukumoneka kwa bukata bwa kwa Lesa mukulu kabili ubwa Mupusushi wesu Yesu Kristu, uwaip‘le pali ifwe, ukuti atulubule ku bupulumushi bonse, no kuisangulwila abanti bakwe bene abacincilile milimo isuma. (Tito 2:12-14).

Awe ndemutasha, ico munjibukisha kuli fyonse, no kwikatishe fyas cishilano ifyo fine nashile kuli imwe. (1 Abena Korinti 11:2).

Ukusenamina kwa kwa Shikulu Yesu Kristu kube na imwe bonse. Amene. (Ukusokolola 22:21).

Balishuka abasamba amalaya yabo, ukuti basuminishiwe ku muti wa Mweo, na ku kwingila pa mpongolo mu Musumba. (Ukusokolola 22:14).

Thursday, July 26, 2007



J.D. Phillips

1. Navo vakati, Tenda Mambo Jesu, newe woponeswa, iiwewe neve mhatso yako. (Zakaitwa 16:31) Asi pasina kugonda aziõgaitiki kumudakadza, õgokuti uwo unouya kuna Mõari, kunotamika kuti atende kuti oriyo, ze, kuti uri muhini weavo vanomutsaka. (VaHeberu 11:16) Iye unotenda, abapatidzwe, unozoponeswa; (Marako 16:16) õgokuti kudai musikatendi kuti ndiri aye munozofira muzishaishi zenyu. (Johani 8:24) Dgokudaro kugonda kudai kusina mishando kwakafa, kuri kwega. (Jakobe 2:17).

2. Tenderukai, umõe õgaumõe wenyu, mubapatidzwe mõeshe õgezina raJesu Kristu, (Zakaitwa 2:38) Haiwa: asi õgepabanzi pokuti mutemderuke imõimõi, (Ruka 13:3,5) Dgemikuwo yokusikazia uku, Mõari aazi kuriõgisisa; asi zino unopaõgisisa vanhu kuti veshe kundau dzeshe, vatenderuke. (Zakaitwa 17:30) Ndizo Mõari wakahinawo kune vemadzinza kutenderuka kuti vapone. (Zakaitwa 11:18).

3. Naõgomuromo unotenda kuano kuponeswa. (VaRoma 10:10) Dgokuti kudai wecitenda Mambo Jesu õgomuromo wako, nokugonda mumõoyo mõako kuti Mõari wakamumusa kwevakafa, unozoponeswa. (VaRoma 10:9) Ndizo weshe uwo unozonditenda pamberi pevanhu, nayewo ndinozomutenda pamberi pababa aõgu vari mudeõga. (Mateu 10:32) Iwewe uri Kristu, Mukororo waMõari unopona. (Mateu 16:16) Ndinotenda kuti Jesu Kristu uri Mukororo waMõari. (Zakaitwa 8:37)

4. Nouwo muedzaniso worubapatidzo, unomuponesa, (1 Petro 3:21) Iye unotenda, abapatidzwe, unozoponeswa; (Marako 16:16) Ndinoti kwouri, kudai munhu asijabarwi kwouri, kudai munhu asikabarwi õgemvura naõgoMõeya, aanasimba rokupotera muumambo kwaMõari. (Johani 3:5) asi kudai õgouwandi hwenyasha dzake wakatiponesa, õgokushambidzwa kwokubarwa kutsa, nokuandudzwa ndiMõyea Wakacena, (Titusi 3:5) Tenderukai, umõe õgaumõe wenyu, mubapatidzwe mõeshe õgezina raJesu Kristu, õgendaa yokurekererwa kwezishaishi zenyu. (Zakaitwa 2:38) Miruka, ubapatidzwe, usunhurwe kubva muzishaishi zako (Zakaitwa 22:16) vakabapatidzwa kuna Kristu, (VaGaratia 3:27) takabapatidzirwa mukufa kwake? (VaRoma 6:3) Ndizo kudai munhu ari kuna Kristu, uri cisikwa citsa: (2 VaKorinte 5:17)

5. Dzecitidzidzisa kuti teciramba zakashata nokuemura zomunyika tipone õgokuõgwara nomukururama naõgokuteera Mõari munyika muno: Teciriõgira iro gonda rinomucena, nokuoneka kwoutende kwaMõari wedu mukuru noMuponesi Jesu Kristu: Uwo wakadzihina õgepamsoro pedu kuti atiripire kubva mukushata kweshe, nokuti adzicenesere vanhu vaite nake vemene, vanotsamõirira kuita mishando yakanaka. (Titusi 2:12-14).
Zino ndinomuiridza õgokuti munondiceredza õgeziro zeshe, nokubatirira kuziemeso kudai õgeze ndakazihina kwomuri. (1 VaKorinte 11:2).

Nyasha dzaMambo Jesu õgadzia nemõi mõeshe. (Cakapaõgidzirwa 22:21).
Vanomucena avo vanosuka õguwe dzavo, kuti vakone kuuya kumuti wokupona, nokupotera õgepazimana mudoropa. (Cakapaõgidzirwa 22:14).



Zakaitwa 8:26-40

26. Asi õgirosi yaMambo yakaereketa kuna Firipu, yeciti, Miruka, uende kubaniyo õgenjira inodzaka kubva Jerusarema kuenda Gazi: ndau iri hleõgwe.
27. Naye wakamiruka, akaenda. Penya, munhu weEtiopia, mutenwa, mukuru pashi peKandeke mambo womukadzi weEtiopia, waiõgwarira upfumi kwake kweshe, waiõga akauya Jerusarema koodira;
28. Iye waipetuka, ecigara muõgoro yake, naye waidzidza tsamba yomuprofeti Isaya.
29. NoMõeya wakati kuna Firipu, Kwedzera ushoõgane neõgoro iyo.
30. NaFiripu ecirumba kuendeyo wakamuzwa ecidzidza tsamba yaIsaya mufrofeti, wakati, Unozwisisa here ico counodzidza?
31. Naye wakati, Ndiõgaita mazwisisirenyi ngepabanzi pokuti umõe andituõgamire? Naye wakamupota Firipu kuti akwire, agare naye.
32. Norupande rwezinyoro rwaaidzidza rwaia urwu, Iye wakakweiwa kudai õgehwai koourawa, nokudai õgehwai inonyarara pamberi pounoigunda, õgokudaro aazi kubeura muromo wake.
33. Muupfau hwake kutoõgwa kwake kwakabviswa, ndiani unozoereõga nibarirwana yake? ôgokuti kupona kwake kwakabviswa munyika.
34. Nomutenwa wakapiõgura kuna Firipu, akati, Ndinokupota, muprofeti unoereketa ici ndiani, ndiye emene gere, nokuti unoereketa õgoumõeni?
35. NaFiripu wakabeura muromo wake, akataõga kubvira kuzinyoro izo, wakacumaera kwaari ndiJesu.
36. Vacahamba munjira, vakaguma kundau yakatikuti ine mvura; nomutenwa wakati, Penya, mvura iri pano: cinyini cinondirambidza kuti ndisazobapatidzwa?
37. (Naye wakapiõgura, akati, Kudai wecitenda õgomõoyo wako weshe, kunotenderwa. Naye wakapiõgura, eciti, Ndinotenda kuti Jesu Kristu uri Mukororo waMõari.)
38. Naye wakapaõga kuti õgoro ieme: vavo vairi vakadzaka mumvura, Firipu nomutenwa, naye wakamubapatidza.
39. Naapo vabuda kubva mumvura, Mõeya waMambo wakamutsakatisa Firipu; nomutenwa aazi kucamuona, õgokuti iye wakaenda munjira yake ecidakara.
40. Asi Firipu wakaoneka ari muAzota; eciparura, wakacumaera vaõgeri mumadoropa eshe metsa wakaguma Kesaria.


As we drove past a small house church one day, my passenger commented of the man who ministered there, “That preacher always tells his followers that they must go out and deliberately commit a sin every week so they will have something to beg God to forgive at the next service.” I really hope that my friend was mistaken in his statement. Mankind is prone to sin without deliberately seeking it! And such a thought is absolutely contrary to our Lord’s teaching and example. It reminds one of the “sale of indulgences” to raise money for the building of the great cathedrals of Europe many years ago.

Romans 6:15-23 “What then? shall we sin, because we are not under the law, but under grace? God forbid. Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness? But God be thanked, that ye were the servants of sin, but ye have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered you. Being then made free from sin, ye become the servants of righteousness. I speak after the manner of men because of the infirmity of your flesh: for as ye have yielded your members servants to uncleanness and to iniquity unto iniquity; even so now yield your members servants to righteousness unto holiness. For when ye were the servants of sin, ye were free from righteousness. What fruit had ye then in those things whereof ye are now ashamed? For the end of those things is death. But now being made free from sin, and become servants to holiness, and the end everlasting life. For the wages of sin is death, nut the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Paul was writing to Roman, Gentile readers who were being confused by the demands of some that they could reach Christ only through Judaism, as they had done, being Jews. They were placing their faith in the commands of God through Moses for the guidance of their ancestors. Those same ancestors had broken that law many times, and that whole generation had died and never reached the Land of Promise at all. That law is called the Old Covenant or Old Testament.

Christ came to fulfill that era and to usher in the New Covenant or New Testament, a covenant based on Grace and obedient faith. This new era is that of the Church. Jesus had said, “I will build my church” and gave to Peter the “keys,” the message of salvation he preached at Pentecost. Christ gave his life blood to fulfill the sacrifices of the Old, and open the doors of heaven through the church of the New. Be reminded of the tearing of the veil of the temple from the ceiling down at the moment of Christ's death on the cross. The Holy Place represented the church, the veil the division between that room and the Holy of Holies where the Ark of the Covenant stood, representing God and Heaven. The barrier was removed, between the two, not by man, but by God. They become one room. When we become a Christian, a part of the body of Christ, we also have direct, no longer through a priest as before, access to God and Heaven. There is no such thing as being a Christian and not being a part of His body, the church. He adds obedient believers to His church.


Actually the used here is stronger than “servant”, it is a “bond servant or slave.” A Christian has been bought with the blood of Christ. He is not his own. In fact, he never was. Before he was serving Satan, not self.

Paul uses the term, “ye were the servants of sin.” When one becomes addicted to an alcohol, a powerful drug, sexual sins, or even gluttony, it is all the same, he is a slave to the addiction and the only way to break him free from it, is to replace that addiction with something else, even more powerful, Jesus Christ. On the other side of the balances, is Christ, who died to break our addiction to this world’s sins. He offers to take on the burden of our sins upon himself, that we might be free.


We have to ask ourselves, however, why we want to make this change. Do we want to change with the thought that we will be working out our own salvation ? The way of the world is to earn a wage. What is done with the wage, then is up to the worker. But, we serve the Lord Jesus, not to earn salvation, but out of love. We are saved through his grace, because He loves us. Nothing that we can do is earning a reward. “The wage of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” Romans 6:23.